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“And I tell you what. It’s time to hold this guy accountable. And it’s time for the House of Representatives to do their job and to impeach (Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro) Mayorkas.” – CNS News, December 15, 2022
“Based on our investigation involving a variety of public and non-public information, we conclude that there are indications that SARS-CoV-2 may have been tied to China’s biological weapons research program and spilled over to the human population during a lab-related incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). The IC has failed to adequately address this information.” – Breitbart, December 15, 2022
“By 2011, GDP per capita had risen to $32,000 in the south. What happened? South Korea embraced mostly capitalist economic principles. It helped that Christianity grew rapidly there, too, which suppressed envy enough to allow for innovation.” – The Christian Post, December 14, 2022
“Lisa Desmond, the library’s branch supervisor, wrote that she was given ‘zero explanation’ for the move: ‘When I asked, I was told ‘people’ were made uncomfortable last year looking at it. I’m sorry WHAT?’ Desmond explained that a Christmas tree had been on display at the library during the holidays for nearly three decades without complaint.” – The Christian Post, December 14, 2022
“I won’t tell you how many times the public has stopped me in the last month saying, ‘does my vote count anymore? I went to a poll, there wasn’t any ballot paper’, and they’re right they shouldn’t put up with it.” – Fox 29 San Antonio, December 14, 2022
“Just 48 miles north of us exists an existential threat; a threat that we must be prepared to deter, defend against, and – if required – defeat.” – Military News, December 14, 2022
“The SFL report published several numbers to demonstrate how their ‘worldwide network of pro-liberty advocates invested over 523,039 volunteer hours’ into activism projects in the last school year alone, ‘with each volunteer having put in at least 5 hours every week,’ emphasizing how ‘a volunteer hour in 2021 is valued at $29.95’ meaning ‘that just in terms of direct economic value SFL had an impact of $15,665,018.’ – Students for Liberty, December 13, 2022
“It was important for me to deliver this news in person, to show Laura that while it seems that the world has moved on, we have not forgotten her husband’s sacrifice.” – Fox News, December 12, 2022
“We gave them ample opportunity to answer our FOIA, but once again, they’ve brazenly ignored us. Now, they must answer us in federal court.” – ACLJ, December 12, 2022