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“After four years of Steve Sisolak’s small business and job-killing policies, Governor-elect Lombardo’s unique perspective as a seasoned law enforcement officer and fiscal conservative will get the state moving in the right direction on behalf of all Nevada families.” – Fox News, November 11, 2022
“’Florida invested money in technology that works and works fast,’ he said. ‘Our Constitution says that elections are done at the state level. That is one of the remarkable aspects of our Constitution, so state law matters.’” – Breitbart, November 10, 2022
“’City council meetings aren’t safe spaces for elected officials,’ said FIRE attorney Harrison Rosenthal. ‘They’re opportunities for politicians to get honest feedback from the public. FIRE will make sure that Owens and other mayors tempted to abuse their authority get the message that the First Amendment trumps their ego.’” – FIRE, November 10, 2022
“For those of you who are Christians and who feel disappointed or despairing of the election results, it is a blessing to be reminded that our security does not rest in men or governments, which are finite and will eventually crumble, but in God alone who is ever sustaining.” – CBN News, November 10, 2022
“We are pleased that after five years of litigation and a unanimous victory at the U.S. Supreme Court, we joined with Hal Shurtleff to finally let freedom fly in Boston, the Cradle of Liberty. The Christian flag case has established significant precedent, including the overturning of the 1971 ‘Lemon Test,’ which Justice Scalia once described as a ‘ghoul in a late night horror movie.’ The case of Shurtleff v. City of Boston finally buried this ghoul that haunted the First Amendment for 51 years.” – Faith News Network, November 9, 2022
“The U.S. Army Minuteman Scholarship covers full tuition and fees between two and four years, or $10,000 per year toward room and board, at any college or university served by an Army ROTC program.” – Fox News, November 9, 2022
“Two-thirds of U.S. states already required some form of identification to vote, although not all mandated a photo ID.” – Fox News, November 9, 2022
“The event at the Museum of American Armor in Old Bethpage is a tribute to soldiers who crewed battle tanks in the fight against European fascism on the 80th anniversary of the Sherman tank. ‘This is, regretfully, probably the last call for reconnecting these veterans with their mounts,’ said Gary Lewi, a spokesman for the museum.” – New York Post, November 9, 2022
“I grew up in a tough neighborhood and saw a homicide when I was only 5 years old. Today I am a college grad and entrepreneur. I am not a victim and that’s a nightmare for Democrats.” – Fox News, November 8, 2022