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“This permanent tax cut will put hundreds of dollars in the pockets of the average South Dakota family.” – Fox News, September 28, 2022
“Dr. Oz has shown that he is, and will continue to be, a strong champion for law enforcement officers and their families in Pennsylvania. At a time when the law enforcement community is facing its greatest challenges, we need people who will advocate for the tools and resources that will keep the men and women of the Pennsylvania State Police safe as they serve our commonwealth.” – Breitbart, September 28, 2022
“While their governments often court controversy abroad for enacting policies that may be deeply unfashionable in Brussels or Washington, they do at least seem to deliver on election-time campaign promises, a rare enough thing in democracies anywhere. This has seen these national-conservative parties — and pay attention, right-wing leaders everywhere — re-elected time and time again, and often with great majorities.” – Breitbart, September 28, 2022
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, give me a break. That is nonsense. Stop politicizing, OK? Stop it. We declared a state of emergency when this thing wasn’t even formed. We’ve had people in here. We’ve had counties that have done a lot of hard work. And honestly, you’re trying to attack me, I get it, but you’re attacking these other people who’ve worked very hard. So that’s just totally false.” – The Center Square, September 28, 2022
‘In the meantime, I’m going to be lobbying the Government to change the law so companies like PayPal cannot demonetise people or organisations whose perfectly lawful views it disapproves of.” – Daily Mail, September 27, 2022
“Today we are proud to endorse Ron Johnson for U.S. Senate… Over the past several years, we have seen the homicide rate double in Milwaukee. And now we are on track to see even more homicides in the city than we have ever seen before.” – Breitbart, September 27, 2022
“Republican congressional hopeful Matt Jacobs is within striking distance of his incumbent Democratic opponent in a deep-blue Los Angeles district, a revelation that could force the Democratic Party to spend in a race they expected to win handily.” – Washington Free Beacon, September 27, 2022
“One of the unique features of robotic platforms is that, once you take the human out, they’re purposely built to be robotic platforms, so they can be much smaller and still carry significant payloads and have significant middle mobility characteristics.” – Fox News, September 27, 2022
“Giorgia Meloni says she will try to restore the country’s pride. She opposes gender ideology, liberal abortion laws, and has a hard stance on immigration.” – Evangelical Focus Europe, September 26, 2022