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“Defendants intend to transfer commonwealth funds to the Abortion Liberation Fund five hundred thousand dollars for the express purpose of ‘providing funding so that anyone can get an abortion no matter their income, ZIP code, or reason,’” the lawsuit asserted. “The Abortion Liberation Fund will use the funds provided by defendants to fund abortions.” – The Daily Signal, August 23, 2022
“He played a key role in running hearings in Congress that warned of the EMP [electromagnetic pulse] threat that terrorists and rogue states could pose and in establishing the congressional EMP Commission. He helped the commission develop plans to protect the United States from EMP and worked closely with senior scientists who first discovered the nuclear EMP phenomenon.” – The Daily Signal, August 23, 2022
“Meuser said the in the San Jose Calvary Chapel case, the 1st court ruled that courts can’t sanction a church for refusing to shut down since it was later determined that Newsom overstepped his constitutional authority in shutting down churches. Meuser said the Governor and state government never had the authority to shut down churches.” – Gateway Pundit, August 23, 2022
“Republican gubernatorial candidate Geoff Diehl condemned “acts of intimidation” that he claimed have been occurring against people supporting a potential ballot question that would seek to repeal a new state law allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses.” – Gateway Pundit, August 23, 2022
“According to SBA Pro-life America, the laws going into effect could prevent as many as 69,000 abortions each year across the three states.” – Catholic News Agency, August 23, 2022
“‘I was really calm actually, I started chest compressions while everyone was panicking in the background,’ Mendes-Rodrigues said. The CPR-certified teen says she remembered her training to count compressions to the beat of the ’70s disco hit, ‘Stayin’ Alive.'” – Fox News, August 23, 2022
“These COVID shots, as they have been implemented, are illegal because the Biden administration and the Department of Defense are not abiding by federal law that requires them to honor religious convictions – and this judge put an end to this lawlessness.” – American Family News, August 22, 2022
“We can permanently cut Missourians’ taxes by more than $700 million… And, again, that’s permanent. Missourians will see $700 million returned to them not one time, but every year.” – The Center Square, August 22, 2022
“Following both the Texas Constitution and the requirements of the Texas Election Code, the opinion outlines the legal framework needed for the Secretary of State and the election records custodian to work together in achieving both ballot preservation and public access to anonymous voted ballots.” – Ken Paxton Attorney General of Texas, August 22, 2022