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“This document aims to present a general picture of the challenges and difficulties experienced by religious communities in the region, based primarily on data obtained through our reporting tool: Violent Incidents Database-VID.” – Observatory of Religious Freedom in Latin America, August 22, 2022
“We explained further that dismissal of the DOJ’s complaint is essential to preserving federalism, because otherwise ‘there would be no limit on the federal government’s power to swoop into federal court for the purpose of dictating state policy.’” – ACLJ American Center for Law and Justice, August 19, 2022
“The ceremony commemorated forty-one U.S. Army POWs who were massacred by North Korean troops at Hill 303 on Aug. 17, 1950.” – U.S. Army, August 19, 2022
“He was met by a crowd of roughly 40 protesters and counterprotesters who’d gathered outside the store, though the event moved forward without a hitch.” – Napa Valley Register (California), August 19, 2022
“The two bills, obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller, would require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to provide reports about migrants on the DHS terrorist watch list and prevent the department from using prosecutorial discretion to avoid deporting illegal immigrants.” – The Daily Caller, August 19, 2022
People with combat experience joined Ukraine’s Foreign Legion. Doctors, nurses and others with medical experience are keeping the country’s health care system going. Several thousand others do humanitarian work, like distributing food and medicine. – Newsbusters, August 19, 2022. (video here)
“But complaints from conservative lawmakers, and an angry backlash from citizens around the country, played a role in getting them to reconsider, the Associated Press reported.” – World News Group, August 19, 2022
“You can have all these great policy reforms, and it’s important to do it, but if it’s not actually enforced, then what difference is it going to make at the end of the day… The fact of the matter is if there are certain rules and regulations in place, if people don’t think that those are going to be enforced, you’re going to have more violations.” – Just the News, August 18, 2022
“DeSantis said those charged with voter fraud were from South Florida and had been convicted of murder and sexual assault – which would prohibit them from voting.” – Fox News, August 18, 2022