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“Shortly after they started building desks, Evans shifted his attention to making small chests for foster families. His sister was a foster parent, and it helped him recognize ‘how kids struggle with moving in to their new place with nothing’.” – Fox News, August 17, 2022
In June, Missouri enacted comprehensive election reform legislation that requires a photo ID for in-person voting and restricts the use of private funding to administer elections. – The Heritage Foundation, August 17, 2022
In 2021, despite the heavy economic impact of covid-19, Florida welcomed approximately 122 million visitors, a 54.1 percent increase over 2020 and a 6.9 percent decrease over 2019 due to the pandemic. – El American, August 17, 2022
“Individuals with incomes up to $87,000 will get a $150 nonrefundable tax credit. Married taxpayers who file separately may each claim a $150 credit. Married taxpayers filing jointly with net income up to $174,000 will receive a $300 nonrefundable income tax credit.” – Arkansas Senate, August 17, 2022
Academy Sports earns perfect scores on Civil-Safe Society and Education. Following close behind, their next highest score is on Environment for their partnerships with prominent conservation organizations. – 2nd Vote, August 17, 2022
“Video shows Ratcliff tackling the suspect and the wallet flying into the street. Ratcliff rolled with the suspect into a crosswalk, and eventually getting on top of him and holding him down until police arrived.” – Daily Caller, August 15, 2022
“You live in the place where everything you do matters. You live in the state where if America is going to survive as a constitutional republic, separation of powers, independent judiciary, respect for the unborn protection of our children, it’s all going to happen here.” PM, August 14, 2022
“The 11th Circuit also held in Chandler v. Siegelman that the First Amendment ‘does not require the elimination of private speech endorsing religion in public places,” nor does it “permit the state to confine religious speech to whispers or banish it to broom closets. If it did, the exercise of one’s religion would not be free at all.’” – First Liberty, August 12, 2022
In a press release issued Saturday, the Navy announced that it is topping its already historically high $50,000 signing bonus, with the possibility of earning up to $65,000 in loan repayment as well. – Military.com, August 12, 2022