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“More than 39,000 Pennsylvania Democrats switched their party registration in 2022.” – Fox News, August 4, 2022
“Me and Robert, my neighbor downstairs, had to move the trampoline from the side of the house to the three bedrooms on the last part of the house because they would’ve gotten hurt if we didn’t.” – Fox News, August 3, 2022
“We’re going to keep sending those buses up there until they fully understand and most importantly — until the Biden administration does its job to enforce the laws concerning the border.” – CNS News, August 3, 2022
“Given the current state of the economy, we believe passing deficit reduction would send an important message to the American people that their leaders are serious about tackling inflation, strengthening the economy, and putting our nation’s fiscal house in order.” – Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, August 3, 2022
“Several cities within LA county are joining Beverly Hills in saying that they will not be enforcing a mask mandate after the announcement that LA County would likely institute a mask mandate this week. Cities including Manhattan Beach, Pasadena, and Long Beach have come out against the possible mandate, and more cities are expected to follow.” – Defy Tyrants, August 2, 2022
“People have been driving by with cars filled with food, clothes and baby formula – anything that can be given to survivors that have been left with nothing… Some charitable organizations are opening hands to supplies and volunteers, while others need monetary donations… Hindman First Baptist Church pastor Kevin Davis said he’s so thankful for the feeling of community and knows it’s a feeling being felt by Kentuckians across the state.” – Fox Weather, August 2, 2022
“In less than 8 years, we have taken the income tax rate from the highest it has ever been to the lowest it has ever been, while also growing our state reserves from $0 to $2 billion. We have accomplished this through a smarter, leaner, and more efficient state government.” – Arkansas Policy Foundation, August 2022
“The Asylum Integrity Act gives a clear and concise definition of who qualifies for asylum and bars immigration benefits for frivolous and disingenuous asylum claims.” – North Dakota Senator Kevin Cramer, August 1, 2022
Three Sonoma County Hells Angels were convicted in the Northern California of racketeering conspiracy and related crimes, including murder, assault, robbery, extortion, drug trafficking, witness intimidation, and illegal firearms possession. The Hells Angels are a transnational violent outlaw motorcycle gang with numerous chapters across the country who work cooperatively with other Hells Angels chapters to engage in extensive criminal activity. – FBI News, June 30, 2022