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“The fact that these consultants are awarded huge contracts by our Defense Department and other federal agencies, while they are simultaneously working to advance China’s efforts to coerce the United States is appalling and completely unacceptable,” Hawley said.” – Breitbart, July 18, 2022
“Today our children are being indoctrinated by the federal government, and now the local -somebody needs to protect them. Because of their age-inappropriate content, these books need to be moved out of the library’s children section.” One of the books in question Making A Baby by Greener, reportedly shows images of naked men and children taking a shower together.” – CBN, July 18, 2022
“This is a good day for religious liberty in Wisconsin. Department of Corrections bureaucrats may not simply disregard the statutory and constitutional rights of Wisconsin’s clergy or relegate those rights to second-class status.” – Wisconsin Spotlight, July 18, 2022
“Political pundits view Noem, who’s a strong supporter and ally of former President Donald Trump, as a potential Trump running mate if the former president launches another White House run in 2024. And they see the conservative governor as a presidential contender if Trump decides against seeking the White House again.” – Fox News, July 17, 2022
“But I’m going to tell you, the real hero of the day is the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in that food court and was able to stop this shooter almost as soon as he began.” – CNN, July 17, 2022
“For more than a year, Milley has apparently also considered it an oath to repeatedly dodge questions, if not outright ignore them, about the allegations in Woodward and Costa’s book. Moreover, as reported by Breitbart, top Republican lawmakers have had enough of the TDS-riddled chairman’s alleged stonewalling. Mlley told members of Congress after the book was released that he would review the allegations in the book and get back to them on their accuracy or lack thereof.” – Red State, July 16, 2022
“The latest fundraising figures, shared first with Fox News on Friday, are another indicator that Trump remains the most popular and influential politician in the GOP as he continues to play a kingmaker’s role in the 2022 Republican primaries and repeatedly teases another presidential run in 2024.” – Fox News, July 15, 2022
“This did not happen overnight, and we didn’t do it alone. This day has been decades in the making and is only made possible by the hard work and effort put in by so many. We stand on the shoulders of giants who came before us. Kentuckians know the Republican Party is their party.” – Republican Party of Kentucky, July 15, 2022
“[The Biden] administration has a hard time following the law, and now they are trying to have their appointed bureaucrats mandate that hospitals and emergency medicine physicians perform abortions,” Attorney General Paxton said. “I will ensure that President Biden will be forced to comply with the Supreme Court’s important decision concerning abortion and I will not allow him to undermine and distort existing laws to fit his administration’s unlawful agenda.” – Attorney General Ken Paxton, July 14, 2022