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“’What’s most impressive is that these kids embody what it means to walk with Christ, to talk like Christ, to share Christ,’ Brinson said. ‘We’re trying to prepare every child to be sent into the world as missionaries sharing the gospel of Jesus. We’re preparing them intellectually, academically, athletically, in every way, for what’s next in life.’” – The Christian Index, May 25, 2023
May 25-27, 2023 – “Make your plans now to join us in Orlando in May. This is the biggest and BEST homeschool convention in the nation. There is something for everyone–great workshops, exciting events, a huge vendor hall and plenty of opportunities for fellowship!” – Florida Parent Educators Association, accessed February 12, 2023
“Through funding provided by the Texas Legislature each biennium, TWC uses JET grants to defray start-up costs to develop career and technical education programs for the public community, state and technical colleges, school districts, and charter schools. Equipment funded through JET grants must be used to train students for jobs in high-demand occupations.” – Office of the Texas Governor Greg Abbott, May 22, 2023
“Black, McCloskey, and Seeley are striving to make their country a better place in their new roles, using their Christendom education to make a difference in a culture that desperately needs positive change. They will face many challenges in Washington, but they have been formed for this very purpose: to go out into the culture and ‘restore all things in Christ.’” – Christendom College, May 19, 2023
“This distinction is evidence that our commitment to growing our students academically and spiritually is making the impact that Regent’s founder, chancellor & CEO, Dr. M.G. ‘Pat’ Robertson envisioned.” – Regent University, May 18, 2023
“’We are creating a Christian school for our town because we feel like this is a need,’ said Ashley Loucks, referring to her partners in the school. ‘We just felt like with the way the world is, this was a need for our community and for the kids.’” – Abilene-RC.com (Kansas), May 18, 2023
“There’s an unbelievably efficient model for protecting our diplomats overseas, but not our children. So why is that? Because it’s the same model. And what I’ve done is I’ve scaled it and said we don’t need some of this stuff, it’s not applicable, and to bring that back home and place the principles. Here’s the defensive principle: to get to them, you have to go through me.” – CBN, May 18, 2023
June 19 – July 21, 2-23 – “Register now for 5 educational and practical live online trainings. Each class is worth 10 contact hours of continuing education. Classes will meet 11 AM-4:30 PM EDT in a two-day period.” – American Association of Christian Schools, accessed May 18, 2023
“Lighthouse Christian School Principal Joseph Harless, shares with us the story of Lighthouse Christian School!” – Daytime Tri-Cities (Tennessee), May 17, 2023