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“Reeder was more than a pastor, he was a dear friend, mentor, and a man who understood and exemplified Godly leadership. Harry had an enormous impact on the lives of countless men and women.” – The Christian Post, May 19, 2023
“I am not my circumstances. I am not my race. I am not the sum of everything I’ve completed. I now know to put God first and seek His will. My job as Andre is to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in my life so others can know Him through my actions and example.” – The Bowery Mission, May 18, 2023
“Converts from Islam to Christianity bear the brunt of religious freedom violations, carried out by the government in particular, which sees these Iranian Christians as an attempt by Western countries to undermine the Islamic regime. Leaders of Christian convert groups, as well as members of other denominational backgrounds who support them, have been arrested, prosecuted and received long prison sentences for ‘crimes against national security.’” – The Christian Post, May 17, 2023
Bible reading: Philippians 4:8-9
“Lead on, O King eternal,
Till sin’s fierce war shall cease, And holiness shall whisper
The sweet amen of peace;
For not with swords loud clashing, Nor roll of stirring drums,
But deeds of love and mercy,
The heav’nly kingdom comes.”Hymn singing: Lead On Oh King Eternal
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned[a] and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”
“On this trip the team would accompany Empower One Director Chad Vandiver to accomplish three tasks:
- Casting a vision for what a future trip would look like for a full BCM student team during the summer
- Supporting current long-term missionaries with evangelizing
- Helping facilitate a discipleship conference.” – Florida Baptist Convention, May 11, 2023
“Mark H. became the first man to benefit from the Allentown Rescue Mission’s Educational Scholarship Fund in November 2021. A year and a half later, the Allentown Rescue Mission is proud to celebrate Mark’s continued success.” – Allentown Rescue Mission, accessed May 11, 2023
“On Oct. 15, 1923, Missouri Baptist women met at First Baptist Church, Poplar Bluff, and officially began Missouri Woman’s Missionary Union (MWMU).” – The Pathway, May 11, 2023
“I never imagined I was going to receive all this support,” Sofia said. “God is good. He takes care of my family. My baby girl is blessed. Thank you to everyone who made this possible for my family. I hope you can continue to bless and help other families like mine.” – Operation Blessing, May 11, 2023
“My goal is not to understand everything, my goal is to read it all. They say your job when reading the Bible is not to understand everything that happened but to understand God better.” – Movieguide, May 11, 2023