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August 23, 2023 – “Idaho Family Policy Center is on the frontline of the battle to protect faith, freedom, and family values in the Gem State, and we need your help. Together we can ensure a strong foundation for generations to come. On August 23, 2023, the Standing With Conviction Gala will be coming to Coeur d’Alene.” – Idaho Family Policy Center, accessed April 29, 2023
July 14, 2023 – “The Midwest’s largest gathering of Christians seeking cultural transformation in the family, church, government and more.” – The Family Leader, accessed April 29, 2023
July 9-12, 2023 – “At PMBC we value the spiritual development of our campers, but most important to us is the spiritual development of the whole family. As we continue to grow in camper numbers, see God change more and more lives through the Gospel at summer camp, and have more and more parents comment on the impact God’s ministry at PMBC has on their family, we want to do more for those families we serve.” – Pocono Mountain Bible Conference, accessed December 16, 2022
May 28-June 3, 2023 and August 6-12, 2023 – “To allow soldiers and their families to get away from the stresses of everyday life, spend quality time together, laugh a lot and be restored.” – Young Life, accessed December 15, 2022
“It is unthinkable that woke school districts think they can make better choices than parents can. This is why we must stand for parent’s rights, resist divisive woke policies, and stand strong for families in Florida and across America.” – The Lion, May 26, 2023
“Rejecting the horrific practice, Jodie said she was resolved to fight for her daughter. ‘From that moment on, I stopped doing the ‘what ifs’ and just kept going,’ she said.” – Lifenews.com, May 25, 2023
“My baby brother, he only 5 months, and something wrong with him, too. He acting different,” said Jaziayh during the 911 call. “He keep on passing out. All of them keep on passing out now.” – WWNY TV (Texas), May 24, 2023
“‘My son, he’s my why and he’s the reason why I execute,’ Durham said. ‘When he’s looking at me I gotta keep moving.'” – WABC TV, May 24, 2023
“Fisher House began in 1990 when it was brought to the attention of Ken Fisher’s uncle, Zachary Fisher, that there was a ‘very basic yet underappreciated need’ for military families to find housing while their wounded loved ones received treatment.” – Fox News, May 23, 2023