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“‘On my honor, I will do my best to serve God and my country, to respect authority….’ Ryan and Elliott Parks recite the oath for Trail Life USA, described as a ‘Christ-centered, boy-focused, character leadership and adventure organization.'” – CBN News, December 10, 2022
“When people feel that their Second Amendment rights are in jeopardy, the first thing they do — and it’s the wisest thing they do — is to go out and make sure that they have all the firearms that they think they might need or want.” – Fox News, December 8, 2022
“That’s when we sent an ACLJ attorney directly to Pueblo, where she appeared before the chamber to hand-deliver our legal letter and was given the first ten minutes of the hearing to make her voice heard. And it immediately changed the mood and opinions in the room. Members of the council actually admitted from the bench that it was wrong to only allow one side to speak.” – ACLJ, December 8, 2022
“The lead attorney in Fulton, the Becket Fund’s Lori Windham, represents McMaster in South Carolina. In a motion filed in federal district court on Nov. 17, the state argues it has no choice but to license private faith-based foster care agencies. Like Philadelphia, South Carolina makes exceptions to its policies for secular reasons for foster agencies. Therefore, the state must treat Miracle Hill similarly and make an exception to the nondiscrimination rules for Miracle Hill to accommodate the agency’s religious beliefs under the U.S. Constitution.” – World News Group, December 6, 2022
“’Colorado is trying to bully a Christian business owner into applauding same-sex marriage or risk the government forcing her out of business,’ Keller said. ‘We’re grateful to Lorie Smith for standing up and our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom for taking the case to the Supreme Court.’” – California Family Council, December 5, 2022
“One can only admire the willingness of these four to make an offering of their own bodies, as prisoners, to save the unborn. Repeatedly they have immolated themselves for the sake of innocent life, even at the cost of arrest and imprisonment in the tradition of civil disobedience that brought about the success of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. This time, however, they were spared that penalty.” – Thomas More Society, December 5, 2022
“Police say at the point a witness near the attack believed it was “so brutal in nature” that he feared for the woman’s life, spurring him to intervene by pulling out his firearm on Danisment and causing him to stop the attack.” – Fox News, December 4, 2022
“‘Oregon has not yet even provided the necessary funding for, let alone set up the systems required to administer its new and onerous permitting scheme,’ the latest lawsuit alleges. ‘As of right now, there is no firearms training course that has been certified by the state, which means that no one can lawfully obtain a permit-to-purchase.'” – Fox News, December 2, 2022
“’Adoption is a precious, life changing gift,’ Governor Gianforte said. ‘To make it a bit easier for families to open their happy, healthy, loving homes to children, I’m proud our budget provides a $5,000 adoption tax credit for families. The high cost of adoption shouldn’t be an obstacle for families to adopt a child.’” – Montana.gov, November 29, 2022