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“I feel like I can breathe finally.” Restoration Housing saves family from experiencing homelessness
“’Just to have the shelter and somewhere for my family to be at. It was really a safe haven for me,’ said Purdy. ‘It was really like a blessing to me like God is really watching out for me right now. Like thank you. Thank you so much.’” – WDBJ 7 Virginia, November 10, 2022
“For children who are displaced in the foster care system, finding a place to spend the night can be a challenge. HopeTree Family Services has renovated one of its campus cottages so kids can have a temporary safe house.” – WDBJ 7 (Virginia), November 10, 2022
“The homeowner and the alleged intruder got into an altercation outside before the homeowner went back inside and got a gun, police said. The man then went inside the house with a ‘large landscaping rock.'” – Fox News, November 9, 2022
“New Horizon works with contractors to renovate vacant houses with the goal of assisting 25 families.” – WLBT 3 (Mississippi), November 9, 2022
“As long as we live in a broken world, Christ followers are called to ‘visit orphans and widows in their trouble’ (James 1:27). But we do so with the joyful anticipation that there are no orphans in God’s Kingdom.” – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, November 9, 2022
“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.” – Des Moines Register, November 8, 2022
“A local abortion mill told Karla that the abortion procedure was too far along to stop, but sidewalk counselors refused to give up hope and brought Karla to a local pregnancy center for an abortion reversal. There she was able to successfully save her child.” – California Family Council, November 8, 2022
“’I plan about 15 dinners and then double them,’ she said. ‘I don’t plan out the exact days we have the meals, but I make sure we have enough. We have a big chest freezer in the basement and fridge freezer in the kitchen.’” – New York Post, November 5, 2022
“’That made me realize, ‘God, you are telling me that abortion is wrong,’ he said. ‘And within a short period of time, as I was walking back to the parking lot, I realized that what I was doing with my small plastic tube was no less barbaric than what people who were doing these partial-birth abortions were doing. The body parts were smaller … but the act and the effect on that little baby was just as barbaric.’” – CBN News, November 5, 2022