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“’In this case, a lawfully armed member of our community prevented a violent crime and ensured their own safety, while being confronted with multiple armed suspects,’ Riverside County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.” – The Daily Caller, August 2, 2022
“Over 2,700 pregnancy centers across the country lovingly provide hope, encouragement, and vital medical and material support for women and families. We commend Senator Lee and Congressman Good for highlighting the important work these nonprofits do by recognizing ‘National Pregnancy Center Week.’” – The Daily Signal, August 1, 2022
“I am pro life because I believe every life has value,” Republican Delegate Brandon Steele said in the article. “I’m not pro life for any other reason. I believe that every life is a gift from God above, regardless of how it came into being or came into existence.” – Breitbart, July 30, 2022
“Today, the Supreme Court granted our request to review a legal challenge to Arkansas’ anti-eugenics law which prohibits aborting unborn children merely based on a Down syndrome diagnosis. Lower courts had blocked the law, so we urged the U.S. Supreme Court to review the matter and overrule them. That is exactly what they did today!” – The Jerome Lejeune Foundation, June 30, 2022
“In that moment, the walls in Whitney’s heart fell and the darkness fled. She was finished with the past she once loved so much. She relented, yielding herself and giving her life to God: ‘On the worst day of my life, the most wonderful thing happened. God saved me.’” – Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina, July 29, 2022
“Despite her belief in gun control, Adkins came to understand that good policy is not just about preventing dangerous individuals from owning firearms. It also should ’empower vulnerable citizens to protect themselves.’ Now, Adkins wants a gun. And she wants to carry it in public.” – The Daily Signal, July 29, 2022
“It brings tears of joy to us that Henry is honoring the memory of our precious Danica with such a beautiful rifle. The detail in the artwork capturing Danica’s bumblebee pillow pet is astonishing.” – Henry Repeating Arms, July 28, 2022
“Once the Heartbeat law goes into effect next month, doctors can be held criminally liable for performing elective abortions after a preborn baby’s heartbeat can be detected through routine ultrasound procedures.” – Idaho Family Policy Center, July 28, 2022
“The board of Norwalk-LaMirada Unified School District had originally planned to take a vote on this outrageous proposal on Monday, July 18, but decided not to after hundreds of protesters showed up outside the high school. This shows that when parents speak out and condemn egregious ideas, they can make a difference.” – California Family Council, July 26, 2022