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“Instead of acknowledging the clear line in the sand drawn by the U.S. Supreme Court, Governor Hochul and the radical anti-gunners in Albany are doubling down on nearly every front to restrict the rights of their citizens to carry arms for self-defense. Especially when crime is on the rise in places like New York City, GOA stands ready to fight for Americans’ right to defend themselves in public when danger rises.” – Gun Owners of America, July 12, 2022
“It is vital that Holston Home, as a religious organization, remains free to continue placing at-risk children in loving, Christian families, according to our deeply held beliefs.” – World News Group, July 12, 2022
“When another user argued that those Bible verses only, “deal with the foreknowledge of God,” Dungy explained that they actually reveal the miraculous development of the unborn child. “God is sovereign, we are not. But these verses deal with more than just the foreknowledge of us. They speak about God seeing us in the womb, working on us in the womb and knowing us in the womb,” he said.” – CBN, July 12, 2022
“And the only place I found in the whole country that’s solving the problem on a communitywide basis at scale is San Antonio, Texas, which interestingly did the exact opposite of the rest of the country almost simultaneously with the shift in policy, nationwide policy, to Housing First.” – The Daily Signal, July 9, 2022
“Clint Eastwood’s daughter, Alison Eastwood, has nothing but praise for her parents who she said made the decision to raise her and her brother, Kyle Eastwood, outside “of the Hollywood scene.” – Daily Wire, July 8, 2022
“As Senator Melissa Melendez and Senator Shannon Grove asked about the specific meaning and implications of the bill text, Wicks struggled to answer or didn’t answer at all. She constantly asked the attorneys and doctors from the bill’s sponsors, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, for help. But their long rambling answers didn’t clearly answer the questions either. After the hearing Senator Melendez tweeted, ‘AB 2223 is the worst bill I’ve seen. Ever.’ This was Melendez’s last Senate Health Committee hearing with term limits ending her 10-year legislative career. She went out with a bang.” – California Family Council, July 7, 2022
“Parents—not the government—have the right to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children,” said ADF Senior Counsel and Vice President of Advocacy Strategy Emilie Kao. “Yet we are seeing a wave of government policies that usurp parents’ fundamental rights by imposing destructive ideologies that politicize education and health care for children.” – Alliance Defending Freedom, July 7, 2022
“This is a core problem with many in the law enforcement and other communities – they believe that firearms are not a protected property interest, that firearms are so inherently different that standard constitutional protections of property interests and warrant requirements should not apply and that they, the government, have a duty to take possession of firearms from the public at every opportunity possible.” – Tennessee Firearms Association, July 7, 2022
“The first and most important thing [the counselors] do is listen,” he said. “Listen and meet her where she is — ask her what the stressors are, what her pressures are — and then we help her help herself.” – Fox News, July 6,, 2022