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“The board approved a resolution that encourages the county sheriff and prosecutor not to enforce gun control laws they deem unconstitutional. According to the resolution, the county will not fund any new program that “restricts” rights afforded by the U.S. Constitution and Michigan State Constitution.” – Livingston Daily (Michigan), April 25, 2023
“…I really do believe support for our law enforcement, protecting our kids, expediting penalties against those who commit these types of crimes, and creating institutions where these people who need help can be sent instead of the county lockup or out on the street is the answer.” – Breitbart, April 23, 2023
“The legislation he approved increases the tax credits available to pregnancy centers, establishes tax credits for expenses related to adopting children, creates a task force that will make recommendations regarding changes to state laws about adoption and foster care, separates the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services from the Mississippi Department of Human Services and creates a bill of rights for foster parents.” – The Christian Post, April 21, 2023
“The new law expands protections to unborn children, giving them full rights to life once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as six weeks of pregnancy. It also provides funding to help mothers across the state.” – Fox News, April 14, 2023
I”n Bella Health and Wellness v. Weiser, the clinic argues that the law targets clinics that have a religious duty to help all pregnant women in need, including those who decide to continue their pregnancies after willingly or unwillingly taking the abortion pill. With the help of Becket, Bella Health and Wellness asked a federal court to strike the law down and uphold its right to serve women who choose to continue their pregnancies.” – Becket Law, April 14, 2023
April 14-15, 2023 – “Gather with thousands of like-minded people and get energized to achieve success in every area of your life. Learn how to reach your goals, build wealth, and thrive in the relationships that matter most. Hear stories from people just like you, and get your questions answered during a live Q&A with our speakers.” – Ramsey, accessed March 29, 2023
“According to Michelle, twins had been born before on her mom’s side of the family so she knew it was always a possibility, but she never expected triplets.” – Washington County Daily News (Wisconsin), April 13, 2023
“LB 626, the Nebraska Heartbeat Act, requires abortionists to first test for a fetal heartbeat, which is generally detectable at six weeks, and forbids abortion if one is found, except in cases of rape, incest, or medical emergencies. Violators would be punished by loss of their medical license.” – LifeSite, April 13, 2023
“The 13 states with abortion bans in place had a monthly average of 7,235 fewer abortions after the Dobbs decision as compared to pre-Dobbs.” – Breitbart, April 12, 2023