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“When Brentwood Benson closed last year, I began discussions regarding acquiring and relaunching the brand under Celebrating Grace’s banner. With its award-winning catalog and history of providing music for the church for over 100 years, I knew we could develop a great team to rebuild the publishing organization. Our team looks forward to making available accessible and worshipful music from the existing catalog and creating new music for the worship of God.” – Gospel Music Association, January 10, 2023
“Today’s documents display White House Digital Director Robert Flaherty and his team’s efforts to censor opposing viewpoints on major social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.” – Andrew Bailey Missouri Attorney General, January 9, 2023
“’I’m excited to work with Rumble, where free speech and expression still exist on the internet,’ said Nick Rekieta.” – Rumble, January 4, 2023
“In addition to the fast-growing Great American Christmas franchise, the network features year-round seasonal programming events, including Autumn Harvest and Great American Winter, which feature original movies celebrating faith, family and country.” – GAC Media, January 3, 2023
“’Something I had been wanting to say in a song is ‘Yes, God is good to make a way and move mountains and do miracles, but also God is still good when He doesn’t do it,’ Gamble explained. ‘It’s still for our good.’” – The Alabama Baptist, January 1, 2023
“Real life can’t compare. That’s why they’re complaining with boredom but when you give them this two-week window to reset their levels back down to normal life. You’re giving them time to rekindle a love of real-life activities.” – CBN News, December 30, 2022
“According to Bell, the Indianapolis Public Library ‘originally denied us the ability to book the reading. We sent them a letter that threatened legal action and they backed down.’ Meanwhile, Cameron and his publisher recently criticized libraries that will not allow a public reading of his book but offer ‘drag queen story hours’ for children.” – Breitbart, December 29, 2022
“From Elon Musk’s “Twitter files” to an FBI agent’s candid testimony, Americans have gotten a glimpse into a once-hidden enterprise where federal agencies pressured social media platforms – directly and through proxies – to censor content under their terms of service. The goal, it appears, was to preserve the ruling elite’s favored narratives on everything from the pandemic to election integrity.” – Just the News, December 28, 2022
“The Bible also says that to God, 1,000 years is as a day and a day is as 1,000 years. So if He waits one more day, in His mercy, that would be 1,000 of our years. Yet I don’t think there’s any more prophecy that needs to be fulfilled before the end, so it could be today as well.” – The Christian Post, December 27, 2022