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Listen live here, accessed February 23, 2023
“Polzella followed God’s lead to film school. By the time she entered a cohort in her junior year, she felt excited to “finally be with my people.” Her classmates noticed her attention to detail and encouraged her to become a script supervisor. She believed God wanted her in that profession.” – Liberty University, accessed February 21, 2023
“In a world where most Big Tech and media platforms routinely censor views that challenge establishment orthodoxy, it’s a breath of fresh air to work with a company like Rumble that values free and uncensored speech. You can trust that nothing will be off limits and that I will always speak my mind without fear.” – Breitbart, February 21, 2023
“It just connects me to the moments more. It connects me more to Scripture more deeply. It connects me to Christ. It makes me want to know him more deeply and try to be a better steward of his grace and to try to discern his will from me on a day-to-day basis with the level of clarity that even a couple of years ago I couldn’t have had. So, it’s been an honor.” – The Catholic Herald, February 21, 2023
“Get ready for success in the film industry with a B.F.A. in Film Production & Creative Development from Liberty University. This professional degree program offers you a unique Christ-centered, story-centric film production experience. Be mentored by award-winning industry professionals using world-class production facilities. Our faculty members give you specialized, hands-on instruction in taking a story from concept to distribution.” – Liberty University, accessed February 18, 2023
“Yes, it’s a true story.” – CBN News, February 17, 2023
“‘I also had great people around me,’ she said. ‘There were other people in the church that were successful in the entertainment industry, like Donna Summer. They were all wonderful examples.'” – Fox News, February 17, 2023
“The ministry’s teaching fellowship, which includes Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, Dr. Stephen Nichols, Burk Parsons, and Derek Thomas, publishes and teaches through Ligonier resources such as Renewing Your Mind and other podcasts, the Reformation Study Bible, Tabletalk magazine, books, and hundreds of teaching series. The ministry offers academic degrees through Reformation Bible College, hosts regional, national, and international conferences, offers an online learning community through Ligonier Connect, streams 24-hour Christian internet radio through RefNet, answers biblical and theological questions with Ask Ligonier, leads translation efforts around the world, and publishes thousands of unique resources at Ligonier.org.” – National Religious Broadcasters, February 16, 2023
“Tech companies are now facing calls for accountability for the extensive influence they exercise over the content moderation process.” – Daily Caller, February 14, 2023