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“Living Water OPC in Springfield, Ohio, is seeking either a Co-Pastor or Associate Pastor of Discipleship. The Co-Pastor would share the preaching, teaching, and shepherding duties of our young and growing congregation with the current pastor as best fits their combined giftings and experience.” – The Orthodox Presbyterian Church, May 22, 2023
“In the long history of stupidity, it’s hard to imagine a stupider thing than taking shop class out of high school.” – Fox News, May 21, 2023
“At Silicon Mountain, we believe in the power of ‘Made in the USA’ and are dedicated to bringing electronic manufacturing back to our shores. By partnering with the IMA, we can collectively work towards creating a robust and sustainable manufacturing industry in Idaho, while also promoting American-made products and supporting our local economy.” – I-Connect 007, May 18, 2023
“246 results found.” – Liberty University, accessed May 18, 2023
“Thanks to the faithful efforts of my predecessor over the last decade, this organization is well-poised to make real life-affirming change for our members and their patients. I am excited to build on the momentum we’ve gathered under Dr. Harrison’s leadership.” – AAPLOG American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, accessed May 17, 2023
“Another reason to consider reshoring production or partnering with domestic manufacturers is customer demand. Whether concerned about poor labor standards in other countries or driven by a sense of patriotism, more consumers are choosing to buy goods made in America.” – CPA Practice Advisor, May 17, 2023
“Much of the critical supply chain for e-mobility and manufacturing is currently sourced outside of the U.S. Anovion is an innovative industry leader that fills that need and delivers another critical component of the supply chain to Georgia.” – Georgia Governor Brian P. Kemp, May 15, 2023
“Working at Regent University is more than a job. It’s a place where you get to be part of fulfilling a significant mission―Christian Leadership to Change the World―through your service to the school, students, faculty, and staff.” – Regent University, accessed May 15, 2023
“Founded in 2000, our mission is to bring you a truthful view of the world free from the influence of any government, corporation, or political party. We aim to tell you what we see, not how to think; we strive to deliver you a factual picture of reality that lets you form your own opinions.” – The Epoch Times, accessed May 13, 2023