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“It meant it was more than just doing a job: there was a culture that allowed everyone to deliver meaningful work.” – BBC Worklife, October 9, 2022
“Our fundamental philosophy is that parents are the first teachers… So, we’re really coming alongside the parents to help support their (child’s) education and support their upbringing.” – Star Herald Nebraska, October 8, 2022
“Quite often in the time I spent with Gary, I felt like I was being held by Jesus… In witnessing and experiencing his wisdom, his toughness, his gentleness, and his caring love, I encountered and experienced in him the living Christ.” – Dow Smith, October 6, 2022
“If this period has taught us anything, it is that the scientific and medical environments are constantly evolving, as new information and studies confirm or reject prior policies. Doctors need the freedom to explore alternatives and share opinions that challenge the scientific consensus—that is inherent in the nature of the scientific enterprise. California cannot insert itself into the physician-patient relationship to impose its views on doctors and end all debate on these important questions.” – Liberty Justice Center, October 4, 2022
“Jewish groups — particularly those representing Jews who strictly observe the Sabbath and Jewish holidays — have long sought to overturn the ‘de minimis cost test’ established in the Hardison ruling. The Supreme Court has declined to take up similar cases in recent years, although three justices — Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neal Gorsuch — have indicated an interest in overturning Hardison.” – Jewish Insider, October 4, 2022
“The Association for Career and Technical Education says spring enrollment in construction trade programs is up 19.3%, which is back to pre-pandemic levels and enrollment in mechanic and repair technologies is up 11.5%.” – WCTI12, October 4, 2022
“There is a segment of consumers who are looking to exclusively support American-made products with every purchase they make… They believe in the importance of supporting jobs for the community and appreciate the high safety and quality standards.” – Pet Product News, October 3, 2022
“They are forcing Critical Race Theory onto people – you’re not allowed to disagree with it, or they will bully you for two years.” – Fox Business, October 2, 2022