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“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.” – Des Moines Register, November 8, 2022
“New York now puts houses of worship and religious adherents to an impossible choice: forfeit your First Amendment right to religious worship or forfeit your Second Amendment right to bear arms for self-defense.” – Just the News, November 4, 2022
“I think you will see instances where civilians take matters into their own hands and use hopefully what’s an appropriate level of force to get the people to stop committing the crime that they’re doing.” – Fox News, November 2, 2022
“You don’t have to give notice, if someone’s breaking into your home you have the right to protect yourself and use deadly force, and you’re not going to have any problem with the sheriff of Hidalgo County.” – Fox News, October 30, 2022
“One of them got shot. He’s dead behind the counter. The other one, they left in a car and he’s up on Tampa Avenue, he died as well. I mean, this was a robbery. And the owner had a firearm, so he defended it.” – Breitbart, October 17, 2022
“Grassroots NC isn’t buying the excuse. The group’s president, Paul Valone, released a statement on Friday morning announcing the organization’s plan to file another lawsuit against the sheriff, who they say is ‘flooding’ the VA with requests for mental health records, even for applicants who’ve never served in the military.” – Bearing Arms, October 14, 2022
“For example, Madison’s argument in Federalist 46 that Americans have ‘the advantage of being armed’ that governments denied to ‘the people of almost every other nation’ has been widely cited in public debate.” – The Reload, October 13, 2022
“Simply stated, instead of moving toward becoming a shall-issue jurisdiction, New York State has further entrenched itself as a shall-not-issue jurisdiction. And, by doing so, it has further reduced a first-class constitutional right to bear arms in public for self-defense… into a mere request.” – Gun Owners of America, October 7, 2022
“The constitutional right to bear arms in public for self-defense is not ‘a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees’… We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need.” – Fox News, October 5, 2022