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“This world is unpredictable. And honestly, at the end of the day, the people that want to ban guns, they’re only banning it from good people, not criminals. Because again, there is no gun laws for criminals.” – Fox News, September 7, 2022
“To learn about Mark’s service and understand what he and his brothers have gone through before, during, and after the 2012 Benghazi attack is humbling and nothing short of awe-inspiring.” – Henry, September 2, 2022
“It is no surprise that the cities suffering most from violent crime are the very same cities that have promoted irresponsible, soft-on-crime policies that often treat criminals as victims and victims as criminals. Many of these same cities also maintain the strictest gun laws in the nation.” – Breitbart, August 15, 2022
“SIMON: And why not just call the police?
GADDIS: Honestly, I’ve had incidents where I’ve called them and I don’t feel like they got there in enough time. Or – like, even the call with the emergency responders, it’s like, well, what’s your name? Where are you at? What’s your phone number?” – Bearing Arms, August 8, 2022
The amici include: The Cato Institute; Liberty Justice Center; Pacific Legal Foundation; John Cutonilli; Firearms Policy Coalition; FPC Action Foundation; Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition, Inc.; NST Global, LLC; B&T USA, LLC; Gun Owners of America, Inc.; Gun Owners Foundation; Gun Owners of California, Inc.; Heller Foundation; Tennessee Firearms Association; Virginia Citizens Defense League; Grass Roots North Carolina; Rights Watch International; America’s Future; and Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund. – New Civil Liberties Alliance, August 8, 2022
“Analysts using data obtained from the Chicago Police Department (CPD) found that ‘in 2021 there were 406,829 incidents of high-priority emergency service calls for which there were no police available to respond. That was 52 percent of the 788,000 high-priority 911 service calls dispatched in 2021.’ The calls involved serious crimes like in-progress assaults or batteries, persons shot or stabbed, robberies, domestic violence, and violations of court protective orders.” – NRA National Rifle Association, August 8, 2022
“’Not only can Minnesota not point to a single Founding Era law that prohibited 18-to-20-year-olds from carrying a functional firearm for self-defense, but those individuals are a key reason we have a Bill of Rights in the first place,’ said FPC Senior Attorney for Constitutional Litigation Cody J. Wisniewski.” – Firearms Policy Coalition, August 5, 2022
“’In this case, a lawfully armed member of our community prevented a violent crime and ensured their own safety, while being confronted with multiple armed suspects,’ Riverside County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.” – The Daily Caller, August 2, 2022
“Despite her belief in gun control, Adkins came to understand that good policy is not just about preventing dangerous individuals from owning firearms. It also should ’empower vulnerable citizens to protect themselves.’ Now, Adkins wants a gun. And she wants to carry it in public.” – The Daily Signal, July 29, 2022