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“Rimfire Challenge brought me into the sport and I stay for the friends I have made in the community. On a local level, clubs are pretty laid back with most people only competing against themselves. Everyone is very welcoming to new shooters and willing to share strategies, tips, and allow others to try out their equipment.” – Rimfire Challenge Shooting Association, March 24, 2023
“Bruen struck down a concealed-carry permitting regime that was still used by eight states before the case, set down a specific test for deciding gun cases, and chastised lower courts for the test they had been using to decide cases after Heller.” – The Reload, March 24, 2023
“These regulations are having a devastating impact on Californians’ ability to acquire and use new, state-of-the-art handguns.” – Fox News, March 21, 2023
“About 30 minutes after police took a report for the alleged domestic dispute, the ex came back and ‘made entry,’ according to police. This time, however, her father shot the suspect once in the chest with a handgun, according to police.” – Fox News, March 21, 2023
“The suspect is said to have pulled out a gun and threatened to kill the concealed carry holder’s friend unless the concealed carry holder turned over his wallet.” – Fox News, March 17, 2023
“They don’t dare say it out loud, but what they’re talking about is going after private firearm transactions and trying to require Americans to do a background check on every private firearms transfer.” – Fox News, March 16, 2023
“The Associated Press reported that the House passed the legislation by a vote of 70-44, which means every Republican present voted for it and three Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with the GOP.” – Breitbart, March 16, 2023
“Now more than ever, it is important that Congress recognize and support that the Second Amendment is an individual right and that the right to bear arms to defend oneself is an integral part of American society. With this bill, we are ensuring that the rights affirmed by the Supreme Court are part of the federal code – and preventing a future Supreme Court from reversing this decision.” – U.S. Senator South Carolina Lindsey Graham, March 16, 2023
“Not undertake legislation that is in conflict with the Second Amendment of the United States of America and Article 1.6 of the Michigan Constitution of 1963, including: 1. Red Flag Laws, excluding the present Personal Protection Order process; 2. Registration requirements of full or long firearms.” – TV6 (Michigan), March 14, 2023