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October 18-20, 2023 – “If you’ve loved traveling to Chicago each February for Founder’s Week—but haven’t enjoyed battling the Windy City’s blustery winter weather—we have exciting news to share with you. To make it easier to visit Moody Bible Institute for this beloved annual free Bible conference, Founder’s Week will now take place each October starting in 2023. Mark your calendars to join us from October 18–20 for three memorable days of inspiring teaching and worship!” – Moody Bible Institute, accessed February 10, 2023
July 9-12, 2023 – “At PMBC we value the spiritual development of our campers, but most important to us is the spiritual development of the whole family. As we continue to grow in camper numbers, see God change more and more lives through the Gospel at summer camp, and have more and more parents comment on the impact God’s ministry at PMBC has on their family, we want to do more for those families we serve.” – Pocono Mountain Bible Conference, accessed December 16, 2022
“Founded in 1991, the organization reports on its website that a historic food shortage is taking place in North Korea due to the pandemic and some of the country’s worst droughts in decades. People are desperate for food, but Christians are also requesting something else. They want Bibles even though they could be arrested or killed for owning one.” – CBN News, May 26, 2023
“Brent Colby, former Children’s Ministry director for the Northwest Ministry Network, stated the following: ‘Parents are facing unprecedented challenges to raise kids in the truth and love of Jesus. We believe that the discipleship of children is the most important task of our church family today.’ He went on to note: ‘Helping parents pass down biblical truths to their children is the most effective way to proclaim the gospel. Northwest University is uniquely positioned to equip parents and ministry leaders to bring the hope of Jesus to the next generation.’” – Assemblies of God, May 19, 2023
“‘Daniel didn’t set out to be influential,’ said show Producer, Kristen Brewer. ‘As he walked faithfully through life, the Lord placed him in circumstances where God’s light would shine through him. We hope audiences will be inspired by Daniel’s unwavering faith.'” – CBN, May 12, 2023
“My goal is not to understand everything, my goal is to read it all. They say your job when reading the Bible is not to understand everything that happened but to understand God better.” – Movieguide, May 11, 2023
“Join us at Word of Life Florida for a time of excellent Bible Teaching and Gospel Concerts. You will be encouraged and uplifted while reserving your spot for a day, month, or even the entire Winter Conference Season.” – Word of Life Florida, accessed May 10, 2023
“Stories from the Storyteller is focused on the parables of Jesus Christ. He is the greatest storyteller to ever live and He still lives. When He was telling His stories and using His parables, it was to teach principles.” – The Christian Post, May 9, 2023
“To an extraordinary degree [the Westminster Divines] studied in depth the same issues which trouble and challenge the church today, and their work continues to serve as an invaluable guide.” – The Gospel Coalition, May 1, 2023