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August 14-16, 2023 – “Every ministry lady knows the rigor of faithful service. Our adversary wants us to labor on without the benefit of iron-sharpening tools and strengthening friendships. This ministry-focused retreat will provide both, with quiet moments to retool and refuel in the Word as we receive wisdom from seasoned servants of the Lord.” – Maranatha Baptist University, January 23, 2023
June 20-22, 2023 – “On June 20–22, 2023, six to eight ministerial candidates will gather in a charming New Hampshire lodge in the heart of the White Mountains, a quiet setting conducive to thoughtful discussion. The young men will have previously read several books in preparation for lectures and informal conversation that will prompt their reflection on ministerial service in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.” – The Orthodox Presbyterian Church, April 22, 2023
June 5-9, 2023 – “A partnership between Dordt and WORLD News Group, the camp will be led by Dordt’s communication faculty who have years of industry experience in reporting, video storytelling, live streaming, public relations, and more. During the five-day experience, students in 9th through 12th grade will create podcasts, engage in digital media production, try out their reporting skills, learn about public relations, and more.” – Dordt University, January 26, 2023
“John Mann Nielson passed away 28 April 2023 at the age of 79. He served as a pastor, missionary, educator, and administrator, including as president of Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary and director of Ministerial Development for the Church of the Nazarene’s International Headquarters.” – Church of the Nazarene, May 25, 2023
“Director of Campus Facilities – The Director of Facilities manages the daily operations of maintenance and security for all campus buildings, equipment and grounds.” – Patrick Henry College, accessed May 24, 2023
“Black, McCloskey, and Seeley are striving to make their country a better place in their new roles, using their Christendom education to make a difference in a culture that desperately needs positive change. They will face many challenges in Washington, but they have been formed for this very purpose: to go out into the culture and ‘restore all things in Christ.’” – Christendom College, May 19, 2023
“Brent Colby, former Children’s Ministry director for the Northwest Ministry Network, stated the following: ‘Parents are facing unprecedented challenges to raise kids in the truth and love of Jesus. We believe that the discipleship of children is the most important task of our church family today.’ He went on to note: ‘Helping parents pass down biblical truths to their children is the most effective way to proclaim the gospel. Northwest University is uniquely positioned to equip parents and ministry leaders to bring the hope of Jesus to the next generation.’” – Assemblies of God, May 19, 2023
“246 results found.” – Liberty University, accessed May 18, 2023
“This distinction is evidence that our commitment to growing our students academically and spiritually is making the impact that Regent’s founder, chancellor & CEO, Dr. M.G. ‘Pat’ Robertson envisioned.” – Regent University, May 18, 2023