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“Devoutly Christian colleges out-compete colleges that are Christian-in-name-only. If you come from a Christian household and you’re still a Christian and you want a particular Christian experience, you go to an explicitly Christian college more often than to a different kind of Christian college or a secular college. That identity is attractive for a lot of students today and if you’re not religious, then you have thousands of other colleges to choose from and that’s spread out among all those colleges.” – The Lion, January 9, 2023
“Presented from a Christian worldview, courses are taught on campus by award-winning faculty in Virginia Beach.” – Regent University, accessed January 7, 2023
“The Owenses became missionaries in 1965 for the Church of the Nazarene, serving for over 11 years in the Republic of the Philippines. During Betty’s time in the Philippines, she taught at Faith Academy, Manila, and the Visayan Nazarene Bible College in Cebu City, Cebu.” – Church of the Nazarene, January 5, 2023
“Traditional student teaching candidates are vested in progressive teaching methodologies that are contrary to a Biblical understanding of what it means to be human, how children are to be taught the Christian faith, and how they are to be raised up in virtue. In contrast, classical Lutheran education raises up Christians for life in the family, the church and society.” – Faith Lutheran School (Plano, Texas), January 5, 2023
“As we have seen the West transition from a positive to a negative view of Christianity over the past 30 years, gospel engagement with non-Christians has changed significantly. Rather than contending with indifference or reasoned arguments, a Christian will often encounter hostility when sharing the gospel. Apologetics is the study of ways to defend the truth of Christianity in a way that also invites the unbeliever into a conversation to consider the truth of the gospel. Christians need to know how to effectively and winsomely engage the most antagonistic opponents of Christianity and their arguments.” – Lancaster Bible College, January 3, 2023
“’Parents and Christian schools need to teach our kids that the Bible’s not true because we said it’s true. It’s the real science, not the fake science, but the real science that shows it’s true because we’re digging up history,’ Levinson said.” – Liberty University, December 28, 2022
Its purpose was to give students an opportunity to learn about and experience various pathways related to agriculture. Throughout the day, students attended different workshops led by current Concordia agriculture students and professors, where they might be able to learn more about job opportunities in their field. – Concordia University Nebraska, December 23, 2022
“’They’ll encounter people that we’ll never be able to encounter. Some of our students are never going to get out. And so, they will be there as quiet chaplains, as quiet ministers of presence,’ Watkins explained. ‘This is not a degree that you get because you are trying to climb a ladder.’” – The Christian Chronicle, December 21, 2022
“Cornerstone’s accredited online Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership and Development equips individuals for a variety of influential leadership roles in education and integrates Christian leadership principles throughout the curriculum.” – Cornerstone University, December 20, 2022