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“The student-led project featured a fresh arrangement of a hymn that has been used at Advent and Christmastime for over 1,200 years. Rev. Dr. Jeremy Perigo, associate professor of worship arts, says that the driving rhythms set the tone of the historic lyrics inviting Emmanuel to come, celebrating Christ’s arrival in Bethlehem and praying for his second coming.” – Dordt University, November 30, 2022
“ABET accreditation is further validation that engineers who graduate from College of the Ozarks are prepared for the engineering profession. More than that, College of the Ozarks prepares engineers with the work ethic, professional skills, and Christian worldview that set our graduates apart from graduates of other programs.” – College of the Ozark, November 29, 2022
“I really enjoy watching God build this place. It is amazing when He opens up the floodgates of his provision and you are able to sit back and watch him glorify himself in doing for the mission what I could never do on my own.” – Biola University, November 22, 2022
“Speckled with ‘amens,’ laughter and occasional applause from the audience, the underlying principle was, as Christians, we can be trapped in a cycle of surviving and failing. Or we can flourish and help the world realize the solution—solution born not out of victimhood or dependence on government for answers, but of making decisions in our own lives to impact the immediate world around us for Jesus. To flourish by shining Christ’s light into the world.” – Cornerstone University, November 21, 2022
“’We want to offer full-tuition scholarships for those impacted by the recession and who might be struggling during the current economic climate,’ said HCU’s President, Dr. Kirk Brothers. ‘Everyone should be able to further their education, and we can help. Our graduate program has been growing by leaps and bounds, with the past six semesters breaking attendance records. To God be the Glory!’” – Heritage Christian University, November 11, 2022
“When I was deployed, I was in a situation where I didn’t know what to do and was able to determine the right decision because I applied things I learned in classes like Humanities and Bible. I have received knowledge here that will impact me for the rest of my life.” – Geneva College, November 10, 2022
“’The University Church is the nexus for our campus community,’ said Andreas Beccai, senior pastor of the University Church. ‘It is the place we gather for worship, celebration, and inspiration. The 60th-anniversary of our building was an opportunity to trace God’s faithfulness in our history and ponder his leading for our future.’” – Walla Walla University, November 9, 2022
“Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary is excited to launch an emphasis in Christian camp ministry. This emphasis, part of the school’s Local Church Discipleship Ministries Program, will focus on the philosophy, programming, values, and methods of Christian camps. Students will also receive training in Biblical counseling, Bible study, and discipleship.” – Regular Baptist Ministries, accessed November 4, 2022
“God used Covenant to draw me closer to himself in so many ways. The professors often reminded us that we are not the end of our own learning but are called to rejoice in the Lord’s faithfulness to his sinful people and to share that good news with others.” – Covenant Theological Seminary, November 4, 2022