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“The V.P Black School of Biblical Studies expanded my capacity to think critically which enabled a deeper walk with Christ. The faculty spoke into my life and provided tools that have allowed me to grow in my ministry to God’s children.” – Faulkner University, March 27, 2023
“The founding of Westminster began in 1929 when J. Gresham Machen—who had spent 23 years as an esteemed scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary—resigned from his Princeton post. Princeton was the preeminent Reformed seminary of the day, but liberalism had been gaining a foothold there.” – Westminster Theological Seminary, accessed March 25, 2023
“The Classical Christian Education Conference explored the practical aspects of teaching classically in today’s classrooms. Through practical workshops that included ideas and tips from seasoned classical educators, the conference equipped teachers with tools to apply immediately in their classrooms. The conference was structured around two plenary lectures, a panel discussion, and 60 workshops spread out over six breakout sessions.” – College of the Ozarks, March 24, 2023
“The commitment of RTS to prepare pastors and other church leaders here and around the world remains undaunted. I am looking forward to seeing many alumni and friends who will join us as we remember and renew our resolve to remain faithful as we step forward into a new season of RTS’ life and service.” – Reformed Theological Seminary, March 23, 2023
“SCP set a twofold goal: to help church planters develop a biblical philosophy and to walk them through the nuts and bolts of starting a church from scratch.” – Baptist Mid-Missions, Spring 2023
“Tate said students are drawn to schools like Patrick Henry because of the college’s focus on classical education. He also said, unlike many universities, Patrick Henry doesn’t fixate on social justice and ‘woke’ curricula.” – Fox News, March 18, 2023
“This has helped me develop a greater appreciation for the great intellectual tradition of the Church and improved my prayer life. The class worked well with my course load at Purdue so I was able to complete well. I would definitely recommend the project to other students.” – Christendom College, March 12, 2023
“Under Bertram’s guidance as an advisor, WFRH/Radio Free Hillsdale 101.7 FM has won six national first-place awards from the national Intercollegiate Broadcasting System Awards.” – Hillsdale College, March 10, 2023
“The program involves learning clinical skills through academic instruction and experience in the field, developing the ability to work in different settings, and learning how to incorporate their faith into their career.” – Faulkner University, March 10, 2023