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“You’re really going to get to know other people if you do these things, and you’re really going to get to know yourself. That’s the biggest thing for your future work in counseling that you can do.” – Christendom College, February 23, 2023
“The Center for Military History and Grand Strategy is committed to the study and teaching of military history and the principal themes of strategy and national security. Through its curriculum, scholarly publications, and public events, it seeks to promote sound historical scholarship, engaged citizens, and prudent leadership.” – Hillsdale College, February 20, 2023
“In the heart of a thriving Christian college, students are being trained to become skilled technicians in job sectors where over 600,000 jobs are currently available in America.” – The Crown College, accessed February 18, 2023
“Get ready for success in the film industry with a B.F.A. in Film Production & Creative Development from Liberty University. This professional degree program offers you a unique Christ-centered, story-centric film production experience. Be mentored by award-winning industry professionals using world-class production facilities. Our faculty members give you specialized, hands-on instruction in taking a story from concept to distribution.” – Liberty University, accessed February 18, 2023
“The ministry’s teaching fellowship, which includes Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, Dr. Stephen Nichols, Burk Parsons, and Derek Thomas, publishes and teaches through Ligonier resources such as Renewing Your Mind and other podcasts, the Reformation Study Bible, Tabletalk magazine, books, and hundreds of teaching series. The ministry offers academic degrees through Reformation Bible College, hosts regional, national, and international conferences, offers an online learning community through Ligonier Connect, streams 24-hour Christian internet radio through RefNet, answers biblical and theological questions with Ask Ligonier, leads translation efforts around the world, and publishes thousands of unique resources at Ligonier.org.” – National Religious Broadcasters, February 16, 2023
“Participating schools accepted resumes and interviewed graduating Hillsdale College students to fill positions ranging from classroom teachers to marketing specialists. Underclassmen experienced introductory conversations with future employers and learned about potential future teaching opportunities.” – Hillsdale College, February 15, 2022
“My favorite class so far has been ‘Personal Evangelism’ with Dr. Mark Bishop. Everything we learned in class was applicable to life. In his class we practiced sharing the gospel with someone which made everything we learned more realistic.” (Nick Turner, ’21) – Boyce College, accessed February 10, 2023
“’Those entering into the SMP Program as vicars will be adding course work and vicarage responsibilities to their already full and busy lives of work and family responsibilities and other life vocations God has given to them,’ said SMP Program Director Dr. W. Mart Thompson. ‘While the program is demanding and requires significant sacrifice and commitment, their hard work will certainly bear fruit for the sake of the Gospel as they are formed for the Office of the Ministry to become pastors.’” – Concordia Seminary St. Louis, February 10, 2023
“I am volunteering in Pagudpud Adventist Wellness Center, a clinic in Pagudpud, Philippines. My daily routine is working in the clinic from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in x-ray, laboratory, or emergency room. Then I go to an elementary school to tutor 6th graders English. After tutoring, I play volleyball with local kids and fellow clinic workers.” – Walla Walla University, February 7, 2023