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“Meeting with Heart for Lebanon’s team encouraged Frenge. The God these believers prayed to filled her heart with peace. Through Christ, Frenge found a strength she didn’t know existed. ‘Frenge is now a believer. She is devoted in her attendance and participation in Bible studies,’ Melki says.” – Mission News Network, May 22, 2023
“Every summer, high school students from across the country gather for a week focused on the person and work of Christ through the proclamation of His Word. The result: count- less testimonies and immeasurable fruit. Many have been converted, while others have experienced a week of radical growth.” – Grace Community Church, May 21, 2023
“Or consider one African pastor who met regularly with the president of his nation for Bible study and prayer. The president enlisted the pastor as a close advisor to help him wrestle through how to apply biblical principles in matters of state.” – Desiring God, May 20, 2023
“I am not my circumstances. I am not my race. I am not the sum of everything I’ve completed. I now know to put God first and seek His will. My job as Andre is to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in my life so others can know Him through my actions and example.” – The Bowery Mission, May 18, 2023
“’It’s where God found me,’ he said. ‘He found me at the cross, where I understood the Gospel, that I needed my sins forgiven and that those sins were paid for by the Son of God. And that through His death and resurrection I would have the opportunity to find eternal life.’” – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, May 13, 2023
“On this trip the team would accompany Empower One Director Chad Vandiver to accomplish three tasks:
- Casting a vision for what a future trip would look like for a full BCM student team during the summer
- Supporting current long-term missionaries with evangelizing
- Helping facilitate a discipleship conference.” – Florida Baptist Convention, May 11, 2023
“Strothoff’s team took her in, and she gave birth to her child — her third born during her addiction, though she had lost custody of her first two. While at Lioness and the Lamb, the mother devoted herself to Christ, graduated from the program, and regained parental rights to all her children. Today she lives with her three children in New York.” – AG Assemblies of God, May 10, 2023
“‘People need to hear the Good News of God’s love for them. Southern Maryland, a fast-growing region, is no exception. Social and economic issues, cultural and political divides, and existential questions seem to be weighing heavy on hearts at this hour. The ‘God Loves You’ tour could not come at a better moment in time,’ Waldorf, Maryland-based The Church @ St. Charles senior pastor Fred Caudle said.” – Christian Headlines, May 4, 2023
“When the couple approached Pastor Kim, saying they felt a “holy burden, a calling” to the nations, David was more than excited for Good Community to be their sending church. For the church, this would potentially be the first long-term missionary couple it had sent in its 32 years. David knew that the faithfulness the couple exemplified in the California church would continue on the mission field.” – Baptist Press, May 1, 2023