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“The center will be the home for students’ training and study in five pathways: construction-electrical, welding, cosmetology, education and information technology-cybersecurity. The education pathway includes the district’s teacher cadet program and early education. The students will be eligible to earn post-secondary credits and industry certificates from these courses and programs.” – Government Technology, May 26, 2023
“Through funding provided by the Texas Legislature each biennium, TWC uses JET grants to defray start-up costs to develop career and technical education programs for the public community, state and technical colleges, school districts, and charter schools. Equipment funded through JET grants must be used to train students for jobs in high-demand occupations.” – Office of the Texas Governor Greg Abbott, May 22, 2023
“In the long history of stupidity, it’s hard to imagine a stupider thing than taking shop class out of high school.” – Fox News, May 21, 2023
“The buildings where welding, automotive and CNA programs will open have been gutted ahead of renovations, MPS officials said. Some utility work, like installing electrical panels and putting in plumbing connections for bathrooms, has already been done. Lifts for the automotive shop have also been ordered.” – Independent (Minnesota), May 4, 2023
“I’m a man of few words, but I am so proud of the organization that helps our country when we need it. American needs help now. This is what we felt our life is about – our country and family and friends. Our country today is under fire in a serious way and I want it to come out the right way. If we can give back to our country, I couldn’t find a better organization to get involved in than Williamson. Life has treated us very well and I feel I need to give back. Thank you very much.” – Williamson College of the Trades, May 3, 2023
“SkillsUSA members at the Alliance Academy for Innovation in Cumming, Ga., hosted a breakfast to honor their school’s resource officer for National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. They decided to extend their gratitude for local law enforcement by inviting the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office, too.” – SkillsUSA, accessed April 29, 2023
“We are on a missional purpose here to glorify God and help people understand that science and STEM are not in contradiction to the Lord’s message, but that we are glorifying his world through the understanding of science and through engineering to build solutions for people worldwide.” – Grand Canyon University, April 25, 2023
“The legislation would help individuals obtain industry-specific skills through on-the-job learning and classroom instruction, as well as an industry-recognized credential during participation in or upon completion of an industry-recognized apprenticeship program (IRAP).” – Tim Scott United States Senator serving South Carolina, April 25, 2023
This was an exciting event that allowed students an opportunity to learn about career and college opportunities available to them when they graduate. The expo included 48 exhibitors representing local community colleges, universities, as well as small and large local businesses. – WKYK.com (North Carolina), April 24, 2023