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“Maricopa County appears to have failed to adhere to the statutory guidelines in segregating, counting, tabulating, tallying, and transporting the “Door 3” ballots. In fact, Maricopa County has admitted that. in some voting locations, “Door 3” non-tabulated ballots were commingled with tabulated ballots at the voting location.” – Breitbart, November 21, 2022
“Republicans have to learn how to play this game too.” – The Washington Examiner, November 20, 2022
“’What we’ve shown in Florida is you can stand up for truth, you can stand on principle, you can fight the woke elite, and you can win,’ he said. ‘And I think this is important because the survival of the American experiment requires a revival of the enduring American principles that make this country unique. And Florida’s formula is everything we do is rooted in those founding principles of our country, we douse it with a very heavy dose of common sense, which is in very short supply nowadays. And we buttress that, with having the courage to lead on issues where you know, you may get incoming fire, but that’s the price of leadership nowadays.’” – The Daily Wire, November 20, 2022
“What I do know is that it is important for the Republican Party, with this opportunity to retool and to transform, because we have high stakes races coming up in ’24 for president of the United States We need to elect more Republicans to the House and Senate, and down-ballot candidates need to get elected as well. – CNS News, November 18, 2022
“Even the Washington Post agrees that non-citizen voting is a terrible idea. Allowing non-citizens and illegal immigrants to vote in our elections opens our country up to foreign influence, and allows those who are openly violating U.S. law or even working for hostile foreign governments to take advantage and direct our resources against our will.” – Fox News, November 18, 2022
“On Wednesday afternoon, Turning Point USA Founder and President Charlie Kirk tweeted: ‘The Rubicon has been crossed. I don’t like it, but its [sic] time to win. We will build the most sophisticated and aggressive legal ballot harvesting operation in America and never let this garbage happen again.'” – Just the News, November 17, 2022
“Republicans now have a supermajority in the Florida state legislature. In the U.S. House, 20 out of the state’s 28 districts elected Republicans last week.” – Just the News, November 16, 2022
“We worked hard to reach out and to spread the conservative message to even atypical groups, to bring as many people into the fold as possible. Because I believe when people hear our plan, when they hear our vision, when they hear where we are on the policies, we will win.” – Fox News, November 16, 2022
“We’re focused on getting out the votes and sticking to our message which is focused on security, above all things, whether its national security, border security, but above all things right now economic security.” – Fox News, November 16, 2022