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November 9-12, 2023 – “NACSW’s Convention 2023 will offer inspirational keynote speakers, 100+ workshop and poster sessions, and preconvention institutes, as well as opportunities to network and engage with other Christians in social work from across North America. In addition, participants will be eligible to earn up to 19.5 continuing education contact hours approved by the Association of Social Work Boards.” – NACSW, accessed February 1, 2023
October 20-27, 2023 – “Join us in October of 2023 for a breathtaking journey through the British Reformation history in the land where many of the Reformers lived, ministered, and in some cases—were martyred for their faith.” – G3 Ministries, accessed March 24, 2023
October 20-21, 2023 – “Contemplate with us how to elevate the desires of your children to hopes that don’t disappoint and to joys that don’t leave a bitter taste.” – CiRCE Institute, accessed April 6, 2023
October 18-20, 2023 – “If you’ve loved traveling to Chicago each February for Founder’s Week—but haven’t enjoyed battling the Windy City’s blustery winter weather—we have exciting news to share with you. To make it easier to visit Moody Bible Institute for this beloved annual free Bible conference, Founder’s Week will now take place each October starting in 2023. Mark your calendars to join us from October 18–20 for three memorable days of inspiring teaching and worship!” – Moody Bible Institute, accessed February 10, 2023
The theme is based on the life of Daniel and his steadfast determination to boldly follow God while living and working in a society that blatantly rejected Him. Come to Founder’s Day and Founder’s Week and be motivated, challenged, and equipped to walk faithfully with Christ in a post-Christian culture. – Moody Bible Institute, accessed January 5, 2023
October 7-8, 2023 – “This year marks the one-hundredth anniversary of the publication of J. Gresham Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism. We will take the opportunity to consider his unique contributions by exploring several covenantal and eschatological themes he identified throughout the Old and New Testaments.” – Reformed Forum, accessed April 24, 2023
September 21-23, 2023 – “Our God is sovereign over creation, salvation, and the new creation in the future. Our God is sovereign over kings, nations, disease, suffering, persecution, and peace.” – G3 Ministries, accessed February 15, 2023
September 13 -16, 2023 – “The world’s premier Christian counseling event.” – AACE, accessed February 4, 2023
September 8-9, 2023 – “Join us on September 8–9, 2023, for Pilgrims and Exiles, our conference in London. Turning to the book of 1 Peter, we’ll consider what it means faor Christians to live as sojourners in this world and ambassadors for the world to come.” – Ligonier Ministries, November 1, 2022