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“Apologetics is the practice that all Christians are called to be ready with an answer when people ask, why do you think Jesus rose from the grave? Why does God allow evil? How do we know God exists? And other tough questions to the faith.” – Arkansas Baptist News, March 9, 2023
March 3, 2023 – “The play is set in Oxford’s Eagle and Child pub, where British authors C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, Oxford University professors and members of a literary group known as the Inklings, meet for what turns out to be their final conversation.” – Erskine College, accessed January 26, 2023
March 2-3, 2023 – “In addition, registration is now open for the 2023 LCMS Life Conference, which will be held March 2–3 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis and online. The conference — part of Making Disciples for Life — will provide resources to faithfully proclaim what God’s Word teaches about life, health, marriage and family.” – Reporter, February 6, 2023
“As many of you already know, CFM will be celebrating its 75th year of being a blessing to many families in 2024. It will be held on August 3-4 at Mundelein Seminary in Illinois.” – Christian Family Movement, March 1, 2023
February 24-26, 2023 – “Join us this winter for Snow Camp at Camp Montrose. You won’t want to miss out on this awesome opportunity to connect with other teens as well as your Creator.” – Montrose Bible Conference, accessed February 23, 2023
February 22,-24, 2023 – “It is a critical time for the advancement of Christian schools across the nation. We are entering a time where organizations are pressed; pressed for growth, pressed to defend your values, and pressed to disciple students in a competitive culture. This is no small task, and the success or failure of schools will rely heavily on your preparedness. In this bootcamp, we explore practices of effective Christian leadership that leads to long-term, sustainable health within Christian schools.” – Herzog Foundation, accessed February 24, 2023
February 20-28, 2022 – “These rallies (10 of them) will highlight the variety of opportunities NC Baptists have to be involved in missions across our state, nation and world. Featured will be worship, testimonies, mission videos, and a prayer time for missions. These rallies are for anyone in your church who is interested in missions.” – Baptists on Mission, accessed November 9, 2022
February 10-12, 2023 – “Featuring great speakers with experience and expertise in addressing the most difficult questions facing pro-life physicians: from maternal mortality to sex ed, from medication abortion to reversing Mifepristone, this conference will equip you to tackle the difficult questions.” – AAPLOG, accessed January 14, 2023
“Join us at Word of Life Florida for a time of excellent Bible Teaching and Gospel Concerts. You will be encouraged and uplifted while reserving your spot for a day, month, or even the entire Winter Conference Season. We look forward to seeing you this season.” – Word Of Life Florida, accessed February 10, 2023