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“In less than 8 years, we have taken the income tax rate from the highest it has ever been to the lowest it has ever been, while also growing our state reserves from $0 to $2 billion. We have accomplished this through a smarter, leaner, and more efficient state government.” – Arkansas Policy Foundation, August 2022
“Some of the innovative structures and strategies explored in the study include school mergers, online academies, microschools, Christian school districts, entrepreneurship and facilities leasing, and leveraging school choice programs.” – ACSI Association of Christian Schools International, August 1, 2022
“Materialism—a preoccupation with material things—can smother our spiritual life. Jesus told us not to store up treasure on earth and warned us against covetousness. So did the apostle Paul, urging us instead to develop a lifestyle of simplicity, generosity, and contentment, drawing on his own experience of having learned to be content whatever the circumstances (Philippians 4:11).” – The Gospel Coalition, July 27, 2022
“The important thing is for parents to start talking about money with their teens early and often,” says Fidelity’s VP of Youth Investing, John Boroff. “Our data shows teens who talk about money with their parents are more confident on financial topics.” – Fox News, July 16, 2022
“As inflation devastates families and communities across the country, House Democrats’ solution is to spend $6 billion to adjust for higher costs that their reckless spending contributed to,” Schweikert told FOX Business in a Monday statement. “I hope my amendment to strike $6 billion in inflation-subsidy spending will be accepted,” the Arizona Republican continued, warning that, otherwise, “this increased spending will only add to our economic troubles.” – Fox News, July 11, 2022
“AFP’s solutions to combat these rising prices garnered support, it stated, with 88 percent of respondents agreeing the government should make it easier to produce energy domestically and 82 percent agreeing with getting government spending under control by tackling the federal debt and reducing federal budget deficits.” – The Vindicator (Ohio), July 6, 2022
“The Buy Nothing Project, a self-described “hyperlocal gift economy,” is a grassroots, volunteer-run organization that aims to provide a means for people to reduce waste and get what they need by asking and giving to their neighbors.” – The Appleton, Wisconsin Post-Crescent, July 5, 2022
“Perhaps no one anywhere has given more thoroughly thoughtful focus to these issues than Dr. Alan Pue, head of the Barnabas Group Inc., based in Castle Rock, Colo. A longtime WORLD loyalist, Pue has extensive experience in school administration and consulting. Much of that comes together in his book Rethinking Sustainability: A Strategic Finance Model for Christian Schools.” – World News Group, June 30, 2022
“But now CCS is forging strategic links with other schools in the region. Olivet Baptist Church says that for years it’s wanted to launch a school—but leaders doubted they had the resources to do the job well. Now, in a win/win agreement, the church provides school facilities while CCS coordinates the school’s ‘educational infrastructure.’” – World News Group, June 15, 2022