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“‘Uncritically awarding government officials hundreds of thousands of dollars defeats the purpose of our fundamental civil rights statutes,’ scaring victims of modest means away from filing lawsuits to vindicate ‘vital constitutional protections,’ according to the friend-of-the-court brief signed by the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, Alliance Defending Freedom, ACLU of Missouri and Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression among others.” – Just the News, May 25, 2023
“The proper role of the university is not to attempt to shield individuals from free speech, including ideas and opinions they find offensive. The university greatly values civility and mutual respect. Nevertheless, concerns about civility and mutual respect may never be used as a justification for closing off the discussion of ideas.” – The Ohio State University, May 18, 2023
“Fortunately, the First Amendment explicitly protects our clients’ free exercise of religion and the freedom of speech from such government overreach. Furthermore, the Establishment Clause forbids government from coercively imposing its new statist religious beliefs regarding human sexuality on our clients or from acting in such an aggressive and controlling manner towards religious institutions. California’s attempted hostile takeover of our places of worship will not stand.” – The National Center for Law & Policy, March 15, 2023
“People feel like they’re walking on eggshells. … That’s not a healthy environment. They don’t believe that they have the freedom to speak their minds on a lot of these university campuses.” – Fox News, May 15, 2023
“We have to be inclusive, and that means inclusive of everyone, including people with varying political ideologies and perspectives.” – Daily Caller, May 12, 2023
“…even though it is not specifically mentioned in the First Amendment, the Supreme Court has identified a freedom of association that allows people to create groups and otherwise organize together.” – Freedom Forum, accessed May 11, 2023
“The federal government had attempted to force the St. Francis Catholic hospital system Oklahoma to choose between losing its accreditation for Medicaid and Medicare or removing eternal flames from its chapels, which is central to their faith. The hospital system refused, citing their First Amendment rights and religious beliefs.” – Fox News, May 9, 2023
“Part of their values is… [to] ‘transform the culture with truth by promoting the Biblically-informed values that are foundational to Western civilization, including the centrality of family, traditional sexual morality, and lifelong marriage between one man and one woman.'” – Fox News, May 6, 2023
“The book, ‘Hidden Headlines,’ done in partnership with Brave Books, showcases the Solomon family hamster, Chunk, as a newspaper editor who cannot distribute his Hamster Headlines news product because an evil koala named Karl has blocked the tubular social media system in the hamster village of Starlotte City.” – Breitbart, May 1, 2023