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“That’s when we sent an ACLJ attorney directly to Pueblo, where she appeared before the chamber to hand-deliver our legal letter and was given the first ten minutes of the hearing to make her voice heard. And it immediately changed the mood and opinions in the room. Members of the council actually admitted from the bench that it was wrong to only allow one side to speak.” – ACLJ, December 8, 2022
“She was one of those brave folks who wasn’t afraid of cancel culture. And in speaking her mind and as a result, you take those slings and arrows. But I think that history will vindicate her and her opinions and allow people to go, of course you should have your opinion and not run along with the masses.” – Fox News, December 6, 2022
“’Colorado is trying to bully a Christian business owner into applauding same-sex marriage or risk the government forcing her out of business,’ Keller said. ‘We’re grateful to Lorie Smith for standing up and our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom for taking the case to the Supreme Court.’” – California Family Council, December 5, 2022
“If some topics are considered closed for free inquiry and debate, that mission is undermined. But when we allow the free expression of opinions, even those with which many might disagree, we facilitate the process of truth-seeking that’s vital to the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge — the very essence of a university community.” – Purdue University, November 17, 2022
“’Elon Musk has revealed to the world what most have known all along — Twitter helped the Biden campaign & Democratic lawmakers to conceal information days before a presidential election. This type of suppression of free speech and information sharing is indefensible,’ added GOP Staten Island Rep. Nicole Malliotakis. ‘House Republicans must thoroughly investigate this matter to ensure big tech is reigned in.’” – New York Post, December 3, 2022
“In my view, KU Law owes its students (all of them, not just those in the Federalist Society chapter) and the future of the rule of law in Kansas better. And it is possible to course correct. But until that time, I can’t continue to provide tacit support to the current direction through my teaching affiliation with KU Law.” – The Sentinel, November 30, 2022
“Can the government force a Democratic speechwriter to write speeches promoting the Republican Party? Or force an atheist to sing at a church’s Easter service? The answer is a resounding no. Of course not. The government cannot force Americans to promote views they disagree with.” – Alliance Defending Freedom, accessed November 24, 2022
“The Young Americans for Liberty chapter is challenging the university’s policy that limits most student speech to small “speech zones” and requires students to obtain a permit three business days in advance to speak on campus about most topics—both in violation of the Alabama Campus Free Speech Act and the Alabama Constitution, according to an ADF statement.” – 1819 News, November 18, 2022
“They’re also really close friends, and I invited them I said, ‘I just want you to do one thing. I want you to disagree with one another and show the students that friends can do that, and you know, show the students our model of that for them.’” – Yahoo Finance, November 18, 2022