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“And what they said was, ‘people say it’s a right-wing channel [but] it’s a free speech channel’.” – BBC, October 11, 2022
“The government should protect religious freedom, not threaten it… Every Oklahoman and American has the right to express their First Amendment rights without fear. I am committed to preserving the First Amendment and will continue to ensure religious liberties are protected.” – KZRG Missouri, October 10, 2022
“I welcome somebody getting into the marketplace that will just allow people to speak freely and not try to limit them based on what their political positions are or their religious positions.” – Fox News, October 7, 2022
“If this period has taught us anything, it is that the scientific and medical environments are constantly evolving, as new information and studies confirm or reject prior policies. Doctors need the freedom to explore alternatives and share opinions that challenge the scientific consensus—that is inherent in the nature of the scientific enterprise. California cannot insert itself into the physician-patient relationship to impose its views on doctors and end all debate on these important questions.” – Liberty Justice Center, October 4, 2022
“According to RNC officials, over 22 million emails sent in the last three days of September from the RNC were spammed by Google; over 3.1 million on September 28, over 9.8 million on September 29, and over 9.97 million on September 30.” – The Daily Wire, October 3, 2022
“After the firing, the County’s HR department admitted that it ‘did not find any evidence to establish that [Mr. Labriola] was engaged in any harassing or discriminatory behavior based on any protected characteristic within the workplace’ after it interviewed all of his coworkers.” – Pacific Justice Institute, October 3, 2022
“They are forcing Critical Race Theory onto people – you’re not allowed to disagree with it, or they will bully you for two years.” – Fox Business, October 2, 2022
“Wayne emailed Cornell’s president, Martha Pollack, and other university leaders on May 25, 2021, arguing against the CRT initiatives and detailing how critical race theorists’ arguments ‘can neither stand up to rational academic rigor nor change the hearts of people’.” – Fox News, September 29, 2022
“Smoking gun documents show California government officials, who were being advised by the Biden campaign PR operation, caused YouTube to censor a key Judicial Watch video just before the 2020 election.” – Judicial Watch, September 29, 2022