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Bible reading: Romans 13:1-10
“Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience. For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.”
Hymn singing: Rejoice, the Lord is King
“Jesus, the Savior, reigns,
The God of truth and love;
When He has purged our stains,
He took his seat above;His kingdom cannot fail,
He rules o’er earth and heav’n;
The keys of death and hell
Are to our Jesus giv’n:
Lift up your heart,
Lift up your voice!
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!““While there is a process through which ‘Greater Idaho’ could happen, the likelihood of it happening remains low.” – KREM 2 (Idaho), April 28, 2023
“U.S. Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.),Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) this week reintroduced the Training America’s Workforce Act, legislation that would make apprenticeship programs more responsive to industry workforce needs. The bill would help individuals obtain industry-specific skills through on-the-job learning and classroom instruction, as well as an industry-recognized credential during participation in or upon completion of an industry-recognized apprenticeship program (IRAP).” – John Thune U.S. Senator for South Dakota, April 21, 2023
“This is why I really appreciate [Sekulow] and the platform that you’re using to inform people about how critical it is that we see the world as it is and that we make reasonable, sensible decisions that really serve the best interests of the American people and our country, preserving our constitutional rights and freedoms.” – ACLJ American Center for Law and Justice, April 21, 2023
“Since the first edition of “Mandate for Leadership” more than 40 years ago, this “policy bible” aims to provide administrations with a blueprint of policy solutions. The Reagan administration implemented nearly half of the ideas included in the first edition by the end of his first year in office, while the Trump administration embraced nearly 64% of the 2016 edition’s policy solutions after one year.” – The Heritage Foundation, April 21, 2023
“The legislation he approved increases the tax credits available to pregnancy centers, establishes tax credits for expenses related to adopting children, creates a task force that will make recommendations regarding changes to state laws about adoption and foster care, separates the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services from the Mississippi Department of Human Services and creates a bill of rights for foster parents.” – The Christian Post, April 21, 2023
“Conservatives really need to figure out how to work government to achieve their own values.” – Breitbart, April 21, 2023
“DOE’s authority to set efficiency standards for appliances is not absolute, and in fact the agency is expressly forbidden from imposing any measure that compromises product features or performance. Unfortunately, the proposal does precisely that to gas stoves, which comprise 40 percent of the market and are the preferred choice of serious cooks.” – Competitive Enterprise Institute, April 18, 2023
“‘It’s functional,’ he continued. ‘But it became obvious to us that it is in the shape of a cross — and how fitting it is for our Christian mission.'” – Fox News, April 13, 2023