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“Timmerman noted that the effort wouldn’t have been a success if it weren’t for the ‘faith and innocence’ of the students. ‘I have learned so much from their innocent examples of complete trust in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to answer prayer.’” – The Christian Post, May 26, 2023
“It helped us create a vision for our future and also gave us the means to realize that vision. The connections that we forged during our time with The Honor Foundation will last our whole lives — and have given us a whole new tribe to belong to.” – Fox News, May 26, 2023
“Founded in 1991, the organization reports on its website that a historic food shortage is taking place in North Korea due to the pandemic and some of the country’s worst droughts in decades. People are desperate for food, but Christians are also requesting something else. They want Bibles even though they could be arrested or killed for owning one.” – CBN News, May 26, 2023
“My baby brother, he only 5 months, and something wrong with him, too. He acting different,” said Jaziayh during the 911 call. “He keep on passing out. All of them keep on passing out now.” – WWNY TV (Texas), May 24, 2023
“Fisher House began in 1990 when it was brought to the attention of Ken Fisher’s uncle, Zachary Fisher, that there was a ‘very basic yet underappreciated need’ for military families to find housing while their wounded loved ones received treatment.” – Fox News, May 23, 2023
“This was the 12th Annual Warrior Ride, an event that benefits Operation Heal Our Patriots, a Samaritan’s Purse project that strengthens the lives and marriages of wounded military veterans and their spouses through Biblically based training. As part of an initial mountaintop experience, couples are flown to Samaritan Lodge Alaska for a week of marriage enrichment training at the edge of wilderness. They are then followed up on for life through our Family Care program.” – Samaritan’s Purse, May 22, 2023
“’These are not normal mobile homes, these are twice as strong,’ Graham said. ‘They are built to withstand about 110 miles-per-hour straight line winds — the average mobile home is built for about 70 miles-per-hour winds. These mobile homes are not built to normal standards, they’re built to our standards. We are doing this in Jesus’ Name because this is what God has called us to do.’” – Samaritan’s Purse, May 20, 2023
“I am not my circumstances. I am not my race. I am not the sum of everything I’ve completed. I now know to put God first and seek His will. My job as Andre is to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in my life so others can know Him through my actions and example.” – The Bowery Mission, May 18, 2023
“That’s three lives to celebrate, but she said even those don’t tell the whole story of the lives saved by the adoption aspect of the ministry. What they’ve seen happen numerous times is for a mother to decide adoption is a better option than abortion, then later — after they see the support Women’s Hope can offer them — decide to parent instead.” – The Alabama Baptist, May 16, 2023