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“To an extraordinary degree [the Westminster Divines] studied in depth the same issues which trouble and challenge the church today, and their work continues to serve as an invaluable guide.” – The Gospel Coalition, May 1, 2023
“Big city or small town? Ph.D. or GED? It doesn’t matter, because the American Dream is for everyone—and there’s a new generation of young people who need to know about it. That’s why the Goldwater Institute created our new children’s book, ‘A Is for the American Dream.'” – Goldwater Institute, April 29, 2023
“’I delivered a devotion on the boat and we sang a song,’ Hendren said. ‘We then stood in silence, coming to the realization that all of these important things that we read about in the Bible happened around the Sea of Galilee.’” – The Villages Daily Sun (Florida), April 29, 2023
“The SAR Education Center and Museum will house galleries and exhibits that highlight the ideals of our patriot ancestors and tell the story of the American Revolution on the world stage. To see the latest update on the plans for this once-in-a-lifetime project see the video below. Gifts of all levels have an impact, and there are still legacy naming opportunities available.” – SAR, accessed April 25, 2023
Podcast – “What’s it like to visit some of the cities and locations described in the Bible? Christian Post reporter Leonardo Blair went to Turkey in December and, along with other journalists, visited the seven churches of Revelation, exploring cities like Izmir, Manisa, and Denizli.” – The Christian Post, April 26, 2023
“The ancient city was submerged in the fourth century as the sea level of the Mediterranean rose. This is the first Nabatean temple discovered outside of their traditional territory. The Nabatean king Aretas IV is mentioned in 2 Corinthians 11:32–33.” – Associates for Biblical Research, April 26, 2023
“Brilliance of light and color were also important and appreciated, as evident by the stained-glass windows of Gothic cathedrals. This art contained symbolism and Biblical stories, and light was symbolic of God’s presence. Philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas attributed beauty two main qualities: proportion and luminosity. All these views influenced the design of Gothic Cathedrals.” – The Saint Constantine School, April 19, 2023
“The D.L. Moody Digital Archives captures our mission to better understand the life and work of D.L. Moody and to understand the work that God accomplished through him. The archives contains correspondence, journals and diaries, sermon notes, student records, photos, and recollections about Mr. Moody ranging from the 1850s to the mid twentieth century.” – D.L. Moody Center, accessed April 11, 2023
“Taking the time to learn about the Hebrews’ neighbours can help us understand the world in which the Old Testament events unfolded, and offers intriguing sideways glances at some familiar Bible narratives.” – Tyndale House, April 8, 2021