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“’This little book is an introduction to the life and ministry of the man who spearheaded the 16th century English Reformation, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer,’ David tells the Ulster Star.” – Northern Ireland World, October 3, 2022
“Whereas the upcoming general election held on November 8th, 2022, will likely be the most important election held to protect our Constitutional Republic and the future of our country … [t]herefore, let it be resolved [select] days to steadfastly pray and observe the tenants [sic] of God so that our country may be worthy of the blessings of the Covenant; liberty, protection and prosperity.” – Church Militant, September 12, 2022
“It’s the fault of the schools that are teaching things they shouldn’t be teaching instead of things about our history and American history, which is what happened to us on [9/11]… There’s only 16 states right now in America that currently require that it’s even just mentioned.” – The Washington Examiner, September 11, 2022
“Despite the watchful eye of the Gestapo, Fry and his colleagues hid Jews and other refugees until they could escape. 2,200 people were smuggled across the border to Spain, then to Portugal, and finally to the United States. Many more were able to escape from France to Martinique, from where they were then able to reach the U.S.” – International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, September 6, 2022
“Theodor Herzl invited Christians to join Jews in that first congress, setting in motion more than a century of cooperation – a precursor to Jewish-Christian friendships.” – All Israel News, September 3, 2022
“Tour participants will hear expert lectures on how the past resonates still, in modern Israel’s culture. Ahead of their arrival in Israel, participants will be provided with virtual instructions on the critical work of uncovering and conserving significant historical findings.” – All Israel News, August 31, 2022
“This discovery is our strongest indicator that Peter had a special association with the basilica, and it was likely dedicated to him. Since Byzantine Christian tradition routinely identified Peter’s home in Bethsaida, and not in Capernaum as is often thought today, it seems likely that the basilica commemorates his house.” – CBN News, August 18, 2022
“On November 5–11, 2022, we invite you to travel with us on our American Foundations Study Tour. Two of Ligonier’s Teaching Fellows, Drs. Steven Lawson and Stephen Nichols, will bring the story of this nation to life.” – Ligonier Ministries, July 19, 2022
“Part of the mosaic unearthed at Huqoq depicts Barak equipped with a shield and Deborah gazing at him from under a palm tree. The middle register is only fractionally preserved, while the lowest register shows Sisera bleeding and dead as he lay on the ground.” – The Christian Times, July 16, 2022