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“Tate said students are drawn to schools like Patrick Henry because of the college’s focus on classical education. He also said, unlike many universities, Patrick Henry doesn’t fixate on social justice and ‘woke’ curricula.” – Fox News, March 18, 2023
March 16-18, 2023 – “A fun, friendly experience packed full of resources, workshops and exciting speakers. Attendees from dozens of states, hotel discounts and more.” – Great Homeschool Conventions, accessed February 20, 2023
“We believe that by creating a Christian homeschooling program, we can help families who have decided to homeschool their children to receive a quality education that aligns with their faith-based values.” – Chattanoogan, March 10, 2023
“Our staff has expanded to nearly 150 full-time employees, most who homeschool with Classical Conversations. In fact, about 70% of our employees are homeschooling parents, some current and some empty nesters. We are expecting to add another ten positions this year to support the surge in homeschooling.” – Classical Conversations, March 8, 2023
“Over the next few years, the Institute for Excellence in Writing will develop a series of books with lessons corresponding with the K-12 Program Guide, Hillsdale’s scope and sequence for K-12 schools. Each level will include a student book and a teacher’s manual.” – Hillsdale College, March 1, 2023
“Between 2009 and 2019, the number of homeschools in Burke County nearly doubled, going from 480 to 838. These numbers are just a microcosm, as statewide and nationwide numbers show similar growth trends for the same period.” – The Morganton News-Herald (North Carolina), March 1, 2023
“From exploring the purpose of education to taking a deep dive into ESAs, the seven episodes released across our four Classical Conversations® podcasts in February 2023 covered a range of topics.” – Classical Conversations Classical Christian Community, February 27, 2023
“’I can tell you that I loved being homeschooled,’ Nika said. ‘I felt loved, respected, and my parents gave us such an amazing upbringing. They were and still are opening doors for me and my siblings without pushing us to enter any of them, and firmly believing that we could do anything we want.’” – HSLDA Home School Legal Defense Association, February 22, 2023
“It took a little bit of time to find our footing, but I found that he was happier and regained his confidence, and within just that first school year, he went from being behind in math to catching up and being ahead.” – KSL.com (Utah), February 21, 2023