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“With a growing number of parents looking for alternative education options in our community, we are here to support and equip parents to provide a robust, Christ-centered education for their children alongside other like-minded families.” – The Chronotype (Wisconsin), November 17, 2022
“Teaching right from wrong without a foundation of objective truth, which we find in the Bible, is ultimately fruitless. We believe that raising our children and teaching them to develop strong moral character is a critical role as parents, and that is difficult to do when the majority of their daily life is spent away from home and in the care of people and institutions that do not share our core beliefs.” – The Sentinel, November 15, 2022
“Scott affirmed that Gabriella’s parents had homeschooled according to state law, which ‘allows them to certify that their daughter has completed a course of study at the high school level,’ and that Gabriella ‘was issued a legal and valid high school diploma.’” – HSLDA, November 8, 2022
“But October is actually the perfect time to start preparing for college applications. In this blog, we’ll tell you why your student needs to start the process of applying now, go through a timeline of the process, and explain why homeschooled students need to take a few extra steps (don’t worry…we’ll tell you what those steps are!) when applying to colleges.” – Bridgeway Academy, October 25, 2022
“These resources range from books and curricula that encourage biblical literacy to hands-on science programming to online classes to supplemental resources and more.” – Answers in Genesis, October 15, 2022
“Sally said they have received calls from concerned parents ‘up and down the country’ with similar concerns about the guidance, which she notes is not a law, but often treated as such by some teachers.” – Fox News, September 28, 2022
“The programs, which mix in-person classes with learning at home, are finding an audience, particularly among religious families.” – The74, September 26, 2022
“They were learning … wildly inappropriate sexual things, gender-related things and preferences, and they were coming home and stating things about that… I was blown away that kindergartners were speaking like that.” – Fox News, September 24, 2022
“Homeschooling can be intimidating and these co-ops are tremendous support and encouragement to both the parents and their students,” he said. “I have seen the blessings go both directions. It is good for the families to have a good space to meet, the support of other homeschooling families and the encouragement from the whole parish. I have also seen the students and families give back and enrich our parish life tremendously.” – The Arlington Virginia Catholic Herald, September 22, 2022