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“Forty years ago, two assassins’ bullets threatened to derail the cause of freedom and liberty. President Reagan and Pope John Paul II, however, survived and recognized they were both spared for a divine purpose – to bring an end to atheistic communism in Eastern Europe.” – Focus on the Family, May 5, 2021
“All our techniques of social welfare, all our science, all our comfort, all our liberty, all our democracy and foreign aid and grandiloquent orations — all that means nothing to me and nothing to you in the moment when we go. At that moment we must put our souls in order, and the way to do that was lighted for us by Jesus, and since then we have had need of no other light.” – National Review, February 27, 2021
“At the start of a new school year, she would meet with the kindergarten teachers and lower elementary teachers and she would teach them how to teach Bible to the little boys and girls so that they would understand about Jesus.” – The Christian Post, July 2, 2020
“When The Navigators asked my wife, Jane, and me to begin a discipleship ministry at Tuskegee in 1970, we knew nothing of the prayers, faith, and fruit of George Washington Carver decades earlier. Only after meeting two elderly women from Carver’s Sunday night study did we realize that we were about to stand on the broad spiritual shoulders of a true disciple of Christ.” – The Navigators, February 1, 2020
“Contrary to what is being taught in many public schools, truth is not relative but absolute. If something is true, it’s true for all people, at all times, in all places.” – Mission Box, July 2, 2019
“After I’ve attended my last meeting and preached my last sermon, written my last book and answered my last letter, told my last joke and said my last goodbye, and I wake up in the presence of my Lord, I want to be able to say to Him what Jesus said when He came at the end of His earthly ministry: ‘I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given me to do’ (John 7:4).” – Regular Baptist Ministries, May 8, 2019
“Mr. Buckley, of course, was no mere host, but an intellect of the first order who preached undiluted conservatism. Author, publisher, commentator, he bucked the liberal order by revealing the emptiness of its utopian promises.” – The Heritage Foundation, February 28, 2018
“He was, above all, a theologian. He loved the doctrine of God. Through it, he found the gateway to knowing God, adoring God, and worshiping God.” – Ligonier, December 14, 2017
January 13, 1915 – “As she lay semi-conscious she whispered ‘O God, release me.’ She died on this day, January 13, 1915, mourned by thousands of Nigerians. The Scotswoman had worked among them for thirty-nine years.” – Christianity.com, May 3, 2010