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“This day, January 27th, is remembered in honor of Phoebe and two other early Christian women, Dorcas and Lydia. All three shared one pre-eminent quality: they helped others.” – Christianity.com, May 3, 2010
March 24, 1661 – “The charges against him were typical. He had sympathized with the Quakers who were executed before him; he had refused to remove his hat, and he used the words “thee” and “thou,” which, to Quakers, implied the equality of all people.” – Christianity.com, May 3, 2010
born March 29, 1602 – “Studying Jewish writings, he showed from rabbinic teachings that Jesus was clearly identifiable as the Messiah. “Even the Lord’s prayer is derived from expressions that had long been familiar in the schools and synagogues of Judea.” His book Horae Hebraicae explained the New testament in light of knowledge he had gleaned from the writings of rabbis.” – Christianity.com, June 1, 2007
April 12, 1972 – “Rather than bemoan the fate he saw approaching, he worked night and day to dictate to assistants all that Christ had taught him. For days on end, he went with only two hours of sleep. The words they wrote down described the glory of God, the power of Christ’s resurrection, the proofs of God’s existence, and Christ’s righteousness for believers… On this day, April 12, 1972 Nee completed twenty years in prison, five years more than his maximum sentence.” – Christianity.com, May 10, 2010
died November 22, 1963 – “He went on to write six additional stories, and together the series came to be known as The Chronicles of Narnia. The series, which describes the conflicts between good and evil that occur in the kingdom of Narnia, is unified by Aslan, a noble lion, which is the form in which the Son of God usually appears in Narnia.” – Britannica, accessed November 22, 2022
January 12, 1951 – “Prior to Rush, grassroots Americans were starved for a popular national voice delivering a politically conservative message, given the monolithic liberalism of America’s educational institutions, Hollywood and mainstream media.” – Fox News, January 12, 2023
“He was a martyr not because he died but because he so identified with the Chinese that they considered him one of them.” – Christianity.com, May 3, 2010
“His term saw a restoration of prosperity at home, with the goal of achieving ‘peace through strength’ abroad.” – Fox News, February 6, 2023
February 1, 1900 – “‘Beware of divisions,’ he wrote on this day, February 1, 1900. ‘One thing the children of the world can always understand, if they do not understand doctrine; that thing is angry quarreling and controversy. Be at peace among yourselves.'” – Christianity.com, May 3, 2010