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“He was one of the key influencers in my life during my undergraduate studies and on my decision to pursue a career as a professional counselor. What I loved most about him was his ability to make the Bible come alive. He was deeply loved by his family and will be sorely missed by all.” – The American Association of Christian Counselors, accessed August 28, 2022
It is natural and reasonable to suppose, that the whole world should finally be given to Christ as one whose right it is to reign . . . Such being the state of things in this future promised glorious day of the church’s prosperity, surely it is worth praying for. – Jonathan Edwards. – Banner of Truth, August 26, 2022
“But ‘Ben-Hur’ is much more than a treatise on Christian redemption. It’s a beautifully written work of literature providing insight into life in antiquity; it was based on years of painstaking research on everything from geography to flora and fauna to period construction.” – Fox News, August 26, 2022
“He played a key role in running hearings in Congress that warned of the EMP [electromagnetic pulse] threat that terrorists and rogue states could pose and in establishing the congressional EMP Commission. He helped the commission develop plans to protect the United States from EMP and worked closely with senior scientists who first discovered the nuclear EMP phenomenon.” – The Daily Signal, August 23, 2022
“With John, what was maybe a brief disagreement was no match for a good laugh.” – Fox News, August 23, 2022
“Notably, Walorski advocated on behalf of dignity for victims of abortion. She was well-known for introducing The Dignity for Aborted Children Act (HR 620) with Banks in 2019 to require the dignified and proper burial of aborted children, following the horrific discovery of over 2,200 aborted baby remains on the property of notorious Indiana abortionist Ulrich Klopfer.” – Catholic News Agency, August 4, 2022
“I can forgive a man a bad sermon, I can forgive the preacher almost anything if he gives me a sense of God, if he gives me something for my soul, if he gives me the sense that though he is inadequate in himself, he is handling something which is very great and glorious . . . If he does that, I am his debtor, and I am profoundly grateful to him.” – G3 Ministries, August 3, 2022
“At this particular time, abortion has become the fundamental human rights issue for all men and women of good will,” and “No Catholic can responsibly take a ‘pro-choice’ stand when the ‘choice’ in question involves the taking of innocent human life.” – First Things, July 29, 2022
“Materialism—a preoccupation with material things—can smother our spiritual life. Jesus told us not to store up treasure on earth and warned us against covetousness. So did the apostle Paul, urging us instead to develop a lifestyle of simplicity, generosity, and contentment, drawing on his own experience of having learned to be content whatever the circumstances (Philippians 4:11).” – The Gospel Coalition, July 27, 2022