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“As the article points out, the leak itself probably wasn’t illegal so there’s no punishment in terms of arrest or imprisonment coming for whoever did this whether they confess or not. However, there could be a case made for disbarment if the clerk can be shown to have lied to the Chief Justice or the marshal. That would certainly be a blow to one of the top young lawyers in the country.” – Hot Air, January 13, 2023
“One day after the leak, Chief Justice John Roberts assigned Supreme Court marshal Gail Curley to investigate the leak. But, with little experience in extensive investigations, Curley and the Supreme Court’s 189-member in-house police force have ‘brought in assistance from outside government investigators,’ according to WSJ.” – Breitbart, January 13, 2023
“Last year, Thornburg admitted that mass migration played a major role in Sweden’s problems with gang crime saying, ‘it is based on a number of different factors. A sharp increase in demand for drugs, accelerating technological development and digitalisation, increased migration and lack of integration.’” – Breitbart, January 11, 2023
“The U.S. Border Patrol has a tremendous partnership with the State of Arizona and will continue to work collaboratively to expand its deployments of infrastructure, technology, and personnel.” – Breitbart, January 10, 2023
“Today’s documents display White House Digital Director Robert Flaherty and his team’s efforts to censor opposing viewpoints on major social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.” – Andrew Bailey Missouri Attorney General, January 9, 2023
“Congressman Bob Good (VA-05) introduced the Close Biden’s Open Border Act which would freeze funding designated for the United Nations (U.N.) for two years and redirect the money towards completion of the wall on our Southern border. This commonsense solution responds to the previously revealed efforts by the U.N. to effectively increase the flow of migrants by ‘teaching’ them how to seek asylum and avoid deportation.” – Congressman Bob Good Representing the 5th district of Virginia, January 9, 2023
“Since the launch of Operation Lone Star, the multi-agency effort has led to over 340,000 illegal immigrant apprehensions and more than 23,000 criminal arrests, with more than 21,000 felony charges reported. In the fight against fentanyl, DPS has seized over 355 million lethal doses of fentanyl during this border mission.” – Office of the Texas Governor Greg Abbott, January 6, 2023
“Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, for months has accused the FBI of ‘slow-walking’ justice and posting the reward as a ‘ruse designed to feign interest in an investigation.’ He slammed the agency again this week, stating that ‘it is a sad day when private citizens are left to do the work of law enforcement.’” – Breitbart, January 5, 2023
“’The Biden Administration is committed to opening the borders to aliens who lack the ability to take care of themselves. Texans should not have to pay for these costly immigrants, nor should any other American,’ Paxton said. ‘I will continue to defend the rule of law and fight to ensure that the massive costs of illegal immigration don’t further burden taxpayers.’” – Breitbart, January 5, 2023