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“Rep. Tim Wesco’s (R-Osceola) bill, HB1334, asks those voters to include the last four digits of their Social Security number and either their driver’s license number, their state ID number or their voter registration number.” – WFYI, February 22, 2023
“Current law states that if the murder victim is a federal law enforcement officer or federal prosecutor, this fact shall weigh as an aggravating factor in favor of the maximum penalty. The Thin Blue Line Act provides the same level of justice to local law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and first responders.” – Ron Johnson U.S. Senator for Wisconsin, February 17, 2023
“Following the filing of the lawsuit, our legal team immediately went to work preparing a motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction to prohibit Defendants from engaging in the same conduct again throughout the duration of the lawsuit.” – ACLJ American Center for Law and Justice, February 16, 2023
“Anyone who recruits, harbors or transports “a pregnant minor with the intent to deprive the pregnant minor’s parent of knowledge of, and to procure, a criminal abortion” could face two to five years in prison.” – Fox News, February 10, 2023
“Too often in Congress, legislation is pushed through without hearings, amendments, or debate. I firmly believe the American people have a right to be part of the legislative process. My bills will allow citizens sufficient time to read legislation and give input to members of Congress as it considers policies that impact all Americans’ lives. I will continue to stand by my pledge to increase transparency and accessibility in the U.S. Senate.” – Dr. Rand Paul U.S. Senator Kentucky, February 10, 2023
“President Biden’s weakness when it comes to enforcing the law has led to the worst border crisis in our nation’s history. It’s bad enough that we have an overwhelming amount of illegal immigrants, drugs, and sex trafficking victims streaming into our nation, but it’s even worse that it is preventable. This legislation will add to the growing list of available solutions to force the Biden administration to do its job and keep our nation and its border secure.” – Breitbart, February 9, 2023
“These funds would follow the student and could be used for qualified private or homeschool expenses. The bill passed subcommittee 5–Y, 3–N. It has been sent to House Appropriations to determine the financial impact.” – Home Educators Association of Virginia, accessed February 9, 2023
“The state of Arkansas cannot license an entity that is performing an illegal activity.” – Arkansas Democrat Gazette, February 2, 2023
“Crime is a top worry for the constituents of our state. Passing H.3594 will allow more options for families to protect themselves while fully restoring our 2A freedoms. This is a good thing for South Carolina and should strike fear into those that wish to commit crimes with firearms.” – Breitbart, February 2, 2023