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“Dozens of pro-life advocates gathered outside the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield to rally against Senate Bill 1909 Wednesday (April 26). The bill would force pregnancy centers opposed to abortion to provide information to clients about the procedure and impose fines of up to $50,000 on centers for sharing what abortion advocates deem as “deceptive” information.” – Illinois Baptist, April 28, 2023
“While there is a process through which ‘Greater Idaho’ could happen, the likelihood of it happening remains low.” – KREM 2 (Idaho), April 28, 2023
“This is why I really appreciate [Sekulow] and the platform that you’re using to inform people about how critical it is that we see the world as it is and that we make reasonable, sensible decisions that really serve the best interests of the American people and our country, preserving our constitutional rights and freedoms.” – ACLJ American Center for Law and Justice, April 21, 2023
“The legislation he approved increases the tax credits available to pregnancy centers, establishes tax credits for expenses related to adopting children, creates a task force that will make recommendations regarding changes to state laws about adoption and foster care, separates the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services from the Mississippi Department of Human Services and creates a bill of rights for foster parents.” – The Christian Post, April 21, 2023
“Because the actions of the teacher were disrespectful, inappropriate, and embarrassing for the student who was simply quietly and peacefully engaging in constitutionally protected activity, we have requested that school officials meet with our client and the other students who witnessed the incident, publicly apologize for the teacher’s reprehensible actions, and provide the students necessary assurances regarding their First Amendment rights.” – ACLJ American Center for Law and Justice, April 20, 2023
“Today, the Senate voted on U.S. Senator Rand Paul’s (R-KY) Support the Reinstatement of Trained and Effective Firefighters amendment which makes funding available to fire departments that terminated firefighters for refusing vaccination or voicing opposition to COVID-19 mandates only if they offer full reinstatement and backpay to those who lost their jobs.” – Dr. Rand Paul U.S. Senator Kentucky, April 19, 2023
“’Instead of promoting an environment of learning, intellectual exploration, and open discourse, Texas State has chosen the inverse,’ she argues. ‘Texas State administrators have created a campus controlled by fear where students are afraid to share their opinions, engage their classmates, or even posit new ideas.’” – Campus Reform, April 19, 2023
“Previously known as the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, FIRE changed its name in June and announced a $75 million expansion initiative that would take the group’s work beyond college campuses. One focus of that initiative is litigation, the group said.” – Reuters, April 17, 2023
“I’m so grateful to have received my bachelor’s education at Faulkner, and I highly recommend that those looking to get degrees in the CJ or LS field choose Faulkner. God is the Creator of the law. You cannot truly learn about it without His involvement and the permeating influence of His Word.” – Faulkner University, April 17, 2023